Tuesday, January 31, 2017
Progress on Timberline
Progress on Timberline

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Monday, January 30, 2017
Password Unlocker Bundle 5 5
Password Unlocker Bundle 5 5
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Payoneer registration tutorial HOW TO APPLY AND GET A PAYONEER MASTERCARD
Payoneer registration tutorial HOW TO APPLY AND GET A PAYONEER MASTERCARD
Payoneer registration tutorial HOW TO APPLY AND GET A PAYONEER MASTERCARD
Payoneer is a US Online Payment Service that allows you to receive ACH/Direct deposit payments from some US and UK online companies like PayPal, Amazon, Skrill, Peerfly, ClickBank, Cupid PLC etc.

If you an affiliate marketer or run online businesses, Payoneer Payment Service allows you to get your money through direct deposit option. It also allows you to get all your money in one place.
There are no monthly or annual fees if you use this service.
There is a one time registration fee after you get your card for free, a 1% fee for each payment transferred to your card and a fixed fee per transaction when you make a withdrawal from your card at the ATM or Online stores. You can make your withdrawal in your local currency.
We are going to show you how to get your Payoneer MasterCard card.
Steps 1
Go to the offficial payoneer website to register at The sign up page will open in another tab. Click on "Sign up with Payoneer".Step 2
Choose the individual Payoneer account except you are signing up as a partner. Click on "Apply Now" as shown below.Step 3
On the next page click on "Sign Up" to continue.Step 4
The registration is a three step process where you will be required to fill your personal details, account information and make a personal verification. Fill your details with the right information because they are going to verify everything later.Note that if you use the wrong postal code, you will not get your card in time. Go to the Nigeria Postal Service site to get the right code. Postal code is not 23401 or something like that. Check that site to see the right code.
Click on the "Start Here ..Personal Details" to continue
Step 5
Fill in your personal details. Fill in your names, email address, your home address and everything as shown on the page. Your email will be verified so input your main email address.Step 6
Choose a unique username, pick a password and select a security question.Step 7
Input your country of birth, nationality and choose a government issued ID card. Make sure the ID card you choose has details like your name, home address, recent photo of you, date of birth and every personal detail in filled in step 4. You will be required to scan this ID and upload it to them.Tick each box below the page and click on "Finish"
Step 8
You will get an email that your account is under review. Later you will get an email to provide a copy of a government issued ID card you supplied during the third registration stage.Make a scan of your chosen ID at a print resolution of 300 ppi so that all your details will be as clear as possible. You can scan your INEC voting slip together with your other ID to make the process faster.
Step 9
Once you do this, wait for an email to confirm your account approval. When approved, you will get a confirmation email with the date your prepaid mastercard is estimated to arrive.The card will be shipped to you free of charge through your postal code you supplied. You will have to check your post office for that.
Step 10
You will get your US payment service information before your card arrives. Details include your US bank name, your account type, your account number and bank routing number.Note that at this time, your US Payment service account has not been verified yet.Also note that your account number is different from your Payoneer card number.
Step 11
Once your Payoneer card arrives, you will have to activate the card online in your US Payoneer online account. go to and select "Activate your Card".Just fill in your prepaid card number and choose a 4 digit pin and you are done.
Congratulations, you can now receive money from most US and UK affiliate programs and payment services through direct deposits and withdraw your money in your local currency at any ATM with MasterCard logo worldwide.
- You can check your balance, your transactions list, card fees and related information online anytime of the day, free of charge. Just click on "My Account" and enter your username and password (which you chose upon registration)
- You get charged 1% for each each payment transferred to your card from Paypal, Peerfly, Skrill, Amazon, ClickBank etc. and also some small fee for making withdrawal from your Mastercard at any ATM worldwide.
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Pc Cleaner Pro 2015 License key Crack full version
Pc Cleaner Pro 2015 License key Crack full version
Pc Cleaner Pro 2015 Features:
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Pc Cleaner Pro 2015 License key Crack full version Free Download
How to Install Pc Cleaner Pro 2015 License key: DISABLE/TURN OFF Your Internet Connection.
- Install the program Double click on pc_cleaner_2015.exe.
- Use the serial key from key.txt for activation.
- Block the program with firewall.
- Done
Pc Cleaner Pro 2015 License key
- 2133-3775-1876-5318
- 8173-0572-8250-2043
- 8113-6875-4284-2554
- 2183-7672-6263-1365
- 6103-0071-1307-3761
- 8113-6875-4284-2554
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Saturday, January 28, 2017
RAZTEL Pelacak Posisi T100 Mini Free Abonemen
RAZTEL Pelacak Posisi T100 Mini Free Abonemen
Memasuki awal tahun 2010, PT. Raztel Solusindo Telematika meluncurkan inovasi terbaru berupa produk Pelacak Posisi Raztel T100 berukuran mini dan bebas abonemen pertama di Indonesia. Pelacak posisi (GPS tracking) ini dapat digunakan untuk melacak posisi aset menggunakan satelit GPS dan jaringan GSM, dimana pemilik aset dapat memonitor posisi melalui komputer dan ponsel berbasis web/internet. Sebelumnya GPS juga dikenal sebagai alat navigasi untuk penunjuk arah.
Raztel T100 didesain khusus dengan ukuran yang lebih kecil (mini) sehingga mudah untuk dipasang dan disembunyikan. Produk ini juga telah dipaketkan dengan kartu GSM dan semua pengaturan telah dilakukan sebelumnya sehingga tinggal digunakan.
Pelacak Posisi Raztel T100 ini dapat digunakan pada kendaraan (mobil dan motor) maupun personal (anak dan wanita). Dengan produk ini, Pemilik aset dapat mengetahui posisi tanpa perlu menghubungi, mengetahui posisi secara akurat, dan mengetahui posisi saat terjadi pencurian/penculikan.
Raztel memberikan harga yang kompetitif, gratis biaya pasang, kualitas yang sudah teruji dan terbukti serta garansi penuh selama 1 tahun untuk jasa dan suku cadang. Untuk pengembangan yang lebih luas, Raztel membuka kesempatan kepada badan usaha dan perorangan yang ingin bekerjasama dalam pemasaran produk ini.
Dapatkan promo awal tahun berupa harga khusus Rp.2.888.000,- dan gratis biaya pasang untuk DKI Jakarta.
Spesifikasi :
? Jaringan : GSM
? Frekuensi GSM : 900 / 1800 Mhz
? Chipset GPS : Sirf Star III
? Akurasi GPS : 5 m
? Berat : 50 gr
? Dimensi : 64 x 46 x 17 mm
? Batere : 3.7 Vdc Li-Ion 800 mAh
? Waktu backup : 8 jam
? Charger desktop : 110 220 Vac / 5 Vdc
? Charger kendaraan : 12 24 Vdc / 5 Vdc
Fitur Perangkat :
? Laporan dalam format SMS/GPRS
? Memonitor posisi aset saat diminta/kontinyu
? Periode laporan dapat diatur sesuai keinginan
? Terdapat tombol SOS saat dibutuhkan
? Terdapat tombol SOS saat dibutuhkan
Fitur Layanan :
? Memonitor per aset atau grup
? Pengaturan data aset dan pengguna
? Menggunakan peta Google Map
? Laporan berdasarkan waktu berbentuk grafis/tabel
? Demo pada www.raztel.com/track
(nama pengguna : demo, kata kunci : demo)
Dengan segala keunggulan yang dimiliki oleh Pelacak Posisi Raztel T100, diharapkan produk ini dapat melindungi aset yang dimiliki, sehingga meningkatkan keamanan, ketenangan dan kenyamanan.
Untuk pemesanan dan info lebih lanjut dapat menghubungi :
Distributor dan Service Center
PT. Raztel Solusindo Telematika
(021) 72789636, www.raztel.com
Dealer : Surabaya (031) 8536060
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Raja Gidh by Bano Qudsia PDF free download
Raja Gidh by Bano Qudsia PDF free download
More about Raja Gidh by Bano Qudsia
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Pre selling house for sale in talisay city cebu
Pre selling house for sale in talisay city cebu
It is situated along the road and It is 1.2 kilometers away from the heart of Metropolitan Cebu
Bayswaters world class facilities and amenities like Basketball Court, Clubhouse, Swimming Pool, Parks and Playgrounds will enrich and enlighten your lifestyle.
Single Detached House
Lot area: 169 sqm
Floor area: 186.23 sqm
4 Bedrooms
3 Toilets & Bath
Fitted Kitchen
Maids Quarter w T&B
Carport and terrace
Total Selling Price: Php 8,514,850.96
Two grand and elegantly-designed entrance gates with guard house.
Beautiful Clubhouse with sun deck and garden for events and gatherings.
Fun & exciting lap pool for adults and kids alike.
All-weather covered basketball court complete with modern lighting system.
Safe and fun adventure-land playground for toddlers and children.
A mini-mall with a 24-hour convenience store, coffee shop, gym, laundromat, bakeshop, internet cafe, restaurants and more.
Tree-lined access roads and landscaped open spaces.
Guaranteed clean and round-the-clock water and electricity supply.
Fully concreted road network with 10-meter wide major roads and 6 to 8-meter wide minor roads.
Ready-to-install telephone, cable and internet lines.
Huge and fully-covered retention pond w/ extensive and complete drainage and sewerage system.
Spacious curbs and gutters with street lights.
?Reservation Fee:
Champaca and Adelfa House- Php 40,000.00
Magnolia- Php 30,000.00
Real Estate License #: 0005812
Email: crs25realty@gmail.com
Mobile: +63920-9640292
Mobile: +63925-5640292
Website: http://www.crs25realty.com
Website: http://www.ceburealtyshop.com
from Classified Ads Pre-selling house for sale in talisay city cebu
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Thursday, January 26, 2017
Price Kawasaki Ninja H2
Price Kawasaki Ninja H2
Ninja, from the beginning kedatangnnya to Indonesia was already making everyone scrambling, where it caused one of the Kawasaki motorcycle sport type has a very attractive design and shape. Not only interesting, but the motor types from Japanese Sport has tremendous speed, where it is supported by high-level acceleration supported superb kitchen runway, which berefek at a speed which is fantastic.

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Quick Heal 2016 Serial Keys Crack Patch Free Download
Quick Heal 2016 Serial Keys Crack Patch Free Download
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Quick Heal is King of antivirus for Android / Iphone mobiles as well as for PC and Laptops.You can use this tool on your window 7 , window XP , Window 8 , Window 8.1 and Window 10. You Can free download Quick Heal with product key license keygen for (32-bit, 64-bit). MAC X lion.
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Download links
Latest Version of Quick Heal 2016 is Not Released yet.
But You can Save or Book mark the websites whenever the
Latest version released we will update Crack or keygen with Setup File in Compressed version.
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pRO Valhalla New Loki Updated Bot and Dual Login
pRO Valhalla New Loki Updated Bot and Dual Login
Just download, extract to your RO folder, and use yourservername.bat to start the game.
Note: Patch your client first before extracting dual client package.
Example: For valhalla, use valhalla.bat to run valhalla client.
Update as of: January 30, 2013 (ECLIPSE MERGE CLIENT)
DOWNLOAD REVISION 2:http://www.mediafire.com/?823laf77egvij8b
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PicShop – Photo Editor 2 94 0
PicShop – Photo Editor 2 94 0
Current Version: 2.94.0
Requires Android: 2.2 and up
Category: Photography
v2.94.0 update:
* New: Teeth Whitening feature!
* New: Auto-Save feature! Your previous work will be restored each time the app is launched.
* Updated: Facebook SDK
* Fixed: Significantly reduced memory usage & crash reports
* Fixed: Broken image loading when EXIF data is missing
Beautiful design combined with tons of editing options and dozens of filters make this the premier mobile editing suite on the market. You will love this app!
With support for HD images up to 8MP, PicShop is great for serious photographers as well as casual. Weve integrated social sharing right into the app, so you can to post to Facebook, Twitter or Email with a single click!
* Full Editing Suite
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* Fun Stickers (Hats, Moustaches, Love etc)
* Social Integration (Facebook, Twitter, Email)
* Customize app with your own personal theme color
* Color / Saturation
* Brightness / Contrast
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* Focal Point
* Blemish Remover
* RedEye Remover
* Auto-Correction
* Crop
* Rotate
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The UI Layer for PicShop is fully GPU accelerated, which translates into extremely low battery consumption for you, and a beautifully smooth 60hz interface that is a joy to use.
NOTE: The drawing engine is a direct port of HarmonyJS by Mr Doob. Also, we would like to thank Quasimondo for the brilliant ColorMatrix class.
Download PicShop Photo Editor 2.94.0 APK here.
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Play and Free Download Back to School Flash Game
Play and Free Download Back to School Flash Game
Back to School season is coming around the world. Most of the students may be sad about that, cause the wonderful and funny summer holiday is going to the end. Besides preparing the things you have to, lets get away from the bad feeling today and have fun with this little Back to School flash game online.
Back to School
LILg invites his friends for supper and doing anything else together. But except the fact boy, all his friends are at summer school. So, he intends to rescue his friends from the summer school. During his way, in every place there will be filled with plenty of fun mini games. You need to help him pass them. Dont worry, at the beginning of each game, the fat boy will give you advices. And any problems, "call" him and he will be there. Notice, if die in any level, you need to start again for the very beginning.
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In the first level, LILg has to walk through a busy road. First, he must keep away from cars and buses. Then cross the river under the help of wood piles and frogs. Then, a road again in the same way like the beginning. In a word, dodge what you have to dodge, and use what you can use. LILg life is in your hand. The game wont be over until LILg lose all of his lives.
In the second part, LILg comes to his neighborhood. There is a hill of rubbish before him. And he has to do something to pass. Get tools and use them by following his fat friends advice.
More funny steps are waiting for you. Lets go to have fun!
How to play Back to School flash game?
- To move LILg around, press the arrow keys.
- Press the space bar to make LILg jump.
- The "S" key is your action key. Use this key to push buttons and use objects you find!
- The "A" key will be used after finding a weapon. To change the direction of weapon, hit the arrow keys.
You can free download Back to School flash game from internet and play on your computers and other android devices with free flash game players for Win and Mac and free android flash game players. If you like, you can also make a walkthrough video of Back to School flash game by recording the whole process during you are playing.
Related Articles:
- Free Download Back to School PowerPoint Backgrounds
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- Back to School TOp 10 Best Presentations of All Time
- Back to School Songs for Your New School Year Slideshow
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Qurban Simbolisasi Penyembelihan Sifat Kebinatangan Manusia
Qurban Simbolisasi Penyembelihan Sifat Kebinatangan Manusia
Idul Fitri dirayakan di bulan Syawal setelah melaksanakan shiyam (puasa) sebulan lamanya dan berzakat fitrah sebagai sarana untuk mentarbiyyah diri. Sementara Idul Adha sebagai simbolisasi penyembelihan ego dan kerakusan pribadi, selain sebagai saat turunnya ayat terakhir Alquran "alyauma akmaltu lakum dinakum.....(hari ini Aku sempurnakan bagimu agamamu), satu hari sebelum wukuf di arafah.
Perspektif Historis
Secara historis, penyembelihan hewan kurban pada hari Idul merujuk pada puncak ketaatan Nabi Ibrahim kepada Allah; menyembelih putranya sendiri, Ismail. Melalui mimpi, Allah perintahkan Ibrahim untuk menyembelih putra kesayangan yang telah lama ia nantikan kehadirannya.
Penyembelihan hewan merupakan sarana dan cara pelestarian agama Ibrahim, meski sebenarnya perintah untuk berkurban juga telah ada sejak zaman Nabi Adam; saat kedua putranya, Qabil dan Habil diperintahkan berkurban sebagai bentuk ketundukan kepada Allah.
Penetapan syariat berkurban setelah rentang ribuan tahun peristiwa Ibrahim, menjadi media untuk menghapuskan penyimpangan pelaksanaan kurban yang tidak ditujukan kepada Allah. Banyak kalangan dalam masyarakat melakukan kurban yang mengarah kepada kemusyrikan.
Perspektif Fiqh
Dalam bahasa Arab, qurban bersal dari akar kata qaraba -yuqaribu qurbanan, yang memiliki arti menghampirkan atau mendekatkan. Melakukan kurban menurut syariat Islam adalah menyembelih binatang kambing, unta, sapi dan atau karbau- dalam rangka mendekatkan diri kepada Allah swt.
Hal ini dilakukan merujuk pada ayat-Nya, Sesungguhnya Kami telah memberikan kepadamu nikmat yang banyak. Maka, dirikanlah salat karena Tuhanmu dan berkurbanlah....(QS. Al Kautsar; 1-3). Hal ini kemudian dipertegas Rasulullah dengan ungkapannya, Barangsiapa yang memperoleh kelapangan, namun ia tidak berkurban, janganlah ia menghampiri tempat salat kami.
Berdasarkan kedua dalil naqli di atas, mayoritas ulama berpendapat bahwa menyembelih hewan kurban adalah sunnah muakkadah (sangat dianjurkan) bagi setiap muslim yang mampu. Dan waktu penyembelihan adalah pada hari H plus tiga hari tasyriq setiap tahunnya.
Dengan demikian, semangat kurban merupakan salah satu ajaran Islam yang bertujuan menguji keimanan seseorang dan tingkat cintanya kepada Allah. Apakah harta dan segala yang ia miliki memalingkan dirinya dari Allah. Meski sebenarnya, cinta kepada harta maupun anak-anak merupakan fitrah, tetapi seharusnya cinta kepada Allah dan Rasul-Nya diletakkan di atas itu semua (lihat QS Al Taubah; 24).
Dalam sejarah Islam, banyak sahabat-sahabat Nabi yang membuktikan cinta mereka dengan berkurban demi mendapatkan cinta Allah dan rasul-Nya, meski harus meregang nyawa. Merekalah para syuhada, salaf shalih, dan mereka itulah nanti yang akan memperoleh derajat tinggi di sisi Rabb mereka.
Utsman bin Affan, umpamanya, telah mengukir sejarah awal Islam dengan tinta emas. Pada zaman Abu bakar Al shiddiq, terjadi musim paceklik yang sangat memprihatinkan. Banyak orang kesulitan mendapatkan bahan makanan, kemudian mengadukan perihal mereka kepada sang Khalifah, dan khalifah pun meminta mereka bersabar. Namun tak lama waktu berselang, tiba iring-iringan unta dari Syam membawa gandum, minyak goreng dan bahan pangan lainnya.
Lalu Utsman membagikan gandum dan hartanya itu secara cuma-cuma -tanpa pretense apapun- kepada penduduk yang sedang kekurangan hingga tak seorang pun yang luput. Itulah contoh pengorbanan seorang sahabat Nabi.
Hikmah dan Rahasia
Pakar tafsir kontemporer, Abdullah Yusuf Ali dalam masterpicenya The Holy Quran; Translation andf commentary, menjelaskan bahwa ibadah kurban memiliki makna spiritual dan dampak sosial. Secara vertical, ibadah ini lebih merupakan ungkapan syukur, maka bacaan takbir justru lebih penting dari prosesi penyembelihan itu sendiri.
Artinya, karena kurban itu merupakan manifestasi keimanan seseorang, bukanlah wujud kurbannya lebih dipentingkan, melainkan nilai dan motivasi orang itu menjalankannya. Hewan yang disembelih bukan berarti tumbal kepada sang khaliq. Yang dipersembahkan kepada Allah, esensinya hanyalah ketakwaan; lan yanalallah luhumuha wala dimauha, walakin lanaluhu al taqwa....., tegas-Nya.
Sedangkan secara horisontal, berqurban merupakan bagian dari upaya menumbuhkan kepekaan sosial terhadap sesama anak bangsa, khususnya kepada golongan yang lemah atau mereka yang dilemahkan (baca; dizhalimi) dan tertindas. Ibadah kurban pun mengajarkan kepada manusia utuk rela brkorban demi kepentingan yang lebih universal, baik kepentingan agama, bangsa, maupun kemanusiaan.
Dengan kata lain, kurban juga menjadi ungkapan kasih sayang, cinta dan simpati mereka yang berpunya kepada kaum papa. Pasalnya, kurban ini tidak sama dengan upacara persembahan agama-agama lain. Hewan kurban tidak kemudian dibuang dalam altar pemujaan dan tidak pula dihanyutkan di sungai, malah daging kurban dinikmati bersama baik oleh orang yang berkurban maupun orang-orang miskin di sekitarnya.
Ulama besar Imam Al Ghazali jauh-jauh hari telah mengingatkan kita semua bahwa penyembelihan hewan kurban menyimbolkan penyembelihan sifat kebinantangan manusia. Berqurban itu bukan hanya sebatas seekor kambing, tetapi yang lebih penting adalah mengorbankan hawa nafsu kebinatangan yang membelenggu setiap manusia; nafsu serakah, sifat kikir, egoisme personal maupun komunal, dan nafsu menerabas yang menghalalkan segala cara untuk mencapai tujuan.
Oleh karena itu, berkurban semestinya bisa pula mempertajam kepekaan dan tanggungjawab sosial (social responsibility). Dengan menyisihkan sebagian pendapatan untuk berkurban, diharapkan timbul rasa kebersamaan di masyarakat sehingga bisa menggalang solidaritas, kesetiakawanan sosial dan introspeksi diri untuk kemaslahatan bersama.
Sebagai penutup, dengan berqurban, semoga kita mampu melawan syetan dan hawa nafsu yang hadir lewat iming-iming harta dan kekuasaan dengan menyembelih semua sifat kebinatangan kita selama ini guna mewujudkan kebersamaan dan membebaskan negeri ini dari keterpurukan.
Ahmad Arif
Delegasi khusus Pemuda & Mahasiswa Aceh, sekaligus panelist speaker dalam 1st Conference on Cultural Cooperation among the Muslim Youth, Turki, 2005
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Wednesday, January 25, 2017
PotPlayer Terbaru versi 1 6 57398
PotPlayer Terbaru versi 1 6 57398

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Program CCleaner dan Cara Menginstallnya
Program CCleaner dan Cara Menginstallnya
"CCleaner is our system optimization, privacy and cleaning tool. It removes unused files from your system - allowing Windows to run faster and freeing up valuable hard disk space. It also cleans traces of your online activities such as your Internet history. Additionally it contains a fully featured registry cleaner. But the best part is that its fast (normally taking less than a second to run) and contains NO Spyware or Adware. System requirments CCleaner : windows XP, 7, 8 (all editions, including 64-bit)."
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