Tuesday, February 28, 2017
PicoDrive S60 V3 Emulator Game Sega di Ponsel Symbian 4 Games Included
PicoDrive S60 V3 Emulator Game Sega di Ponsel Symbian 4 Games Included

- Buka folder zip PicoDrive yang baru kamu download, dan akan kamu temukan 5 file : PicoDrive.sis + 4 game sega berekstensi zip.
- Copy ke 4 game berbentuk zip itu ke folder yang baru di MMC ponsel kamu.
- Instal PicoDriveS60.sis di ponsel symbian kamu.
- Buka PicoDive
- Pilih opsi Configure Controls, pilih tipe 3 atau 6 button.
- Pilih Configure keys, di sini kamu akan mengatur tombol keypad yang akan digunakan sebagai tombol bermain.

- Tekan Back, kemudian pilih Configure Screen, pilih mode Portrait stretched untuk tamplan fullscreen. Atau kamu boleh pilih mode lainnya seperti : Portrait, Landscape left, Landscpae right, Portrait full.
- Masih di opsi Congifure Screen, setting : Interpolate (on), Frameskip (auto), Accurate timing (on), Alt. renderer (on), Region (auto).
- Untuk opsi Configure Sound, Configure Mega CD dan Game Genie/Cheats biarkan saja.
- Pilih Load Rom.
- Cari game sega di direktori yang baru kamu copy di MMC, kemudian tekan OK.
- PicoDrive akan memuat file dan game siap dimainkan.

- Crueball
- Psychopinball
- Sonic 1
- Sonic 2
- Sonic 3
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Beliau adalah seorang Raja Baikh yang meninggalkan istana untuk menjadi seorang sufi.
Pada saat ketenaran Ibrahim bin Adham sudah tersebar luas, dia meninggalkan gua pertapaannya dan pergi menuju Mekah.
Dialah salah seorang sufi teladan umat Islam yang terkenal.
Naga pun berusjud di hadapannya.

Di tengah padang pasir, Ibrahim berjumpa dengan seorang tokoh besar agama yang mengajarkan kepadanya nama-nama Teragung dari Allah SWT. Dengan Nama yang teragung itulah Ibrahim menyebut Allah SWT dan sesaat kemudian ia dikarunia bertemu dengan Nabi Khidir as.
"Ibrahim," kata Nabi Khidir as.
"Saudaraku Daudlah yang mengajarkan kepadamu nama-nama Teragung dari Allah SWT itu," kata Nabi Khidir as lebih lanjut.
Haa..jadi yang tadi adalah Nabi Daud as yang menjumpai Ibrahim bin Adham.
Kemudian mereka berbincang-bincang mengenai berbagai masalah.
Dari perbincangan itulah Ibrahim menyerap berbagai ilmu hakiki. Dengan seizin Allah SWT, Nabi Khidir as adalah manusia pertama yang telah menyelamatkan Ibrahim.
Selanjutnya, perjalanan diteruskan menempuh ganasnya padang pasir.
Sesampainya di Dzatul Irq, Ibrahim bertemu dengan 70 orang yang berjubah kain perca tergeletak mati dan darah mengalir dari hidung dan telinga mereka. Ibrahim berjalan mengitari mayat-mayat tersebut dan ternyata salah seorang dari mereka masih hidup.
"Anak muda, apakah yang telah terjadi?" tanya Ibrahim.
Orang itu menjawab,
"Wahai manusia, beradalah di dekat air dan tempat shalat, janganlah menjauh agar engkau tidak dihukum. Tetapi jangan pula terlalu dekat agar engkau tidak celaka. Tidak seorangpun boleh bersikap terlampau berani di depan sultan. Takutilah sahabat yang membantai dan memerangi para peziarah ke tanah suci seakan-akan mereka itu orang-orang kafir Yunani."
"Siapakah kalian?" tanya Ibrahim.
"Kami adalah rombongan sufi yang menembus padang pasir dengan berpasrah kepada Allah SWT dan berjanji tidak akan mengucapkan sepatah katapun di dalam perjalanan kecuali hanya mengingat Allah SWT. Dan kmai tidak peduli kepada sesuatu pun selain kepada-Nya." jawab orang itu.
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Pengertian komputer server apa dan bagaimana membuatnya
Pengertian komputer server apa dan bagaimana membuatnya
Artikel singkat kali ini akan membahas tentang pengertian komputer server dan seluk beluknya. Sebenarnya apa itu komputer server? sebenarnya pertanyaan yang seharusnya muncul bukan apa itu komputer server melainkan apa itu server?.
[sociallocker]Server sendiri berasal dari bahasa inggris serve yang artinya melayani, jadi server dalam dunia komputer bisa dijabarkan sebagai sebuah komputer atau sistem yang melayani komputer-komputer lainya. Misalnya server ftp maka tugasnya adalah melayani client atau komputer-komputer lain yaitu sebagai tempat penyimpanan file dimana client-clientnya bisa mengakses(mengambil/mengupload) file-file dari/ke komputer server tersebut dengan menggunakan ftp (file transfer protocol). Ada lagi server website, maka fungsinya adalah sebagai media penyimpanan file-file website baik itu script,database,dll dimana nantinya client bisa mengaksesnya melalui protokol http (hyper text transfer protocol). Server website lebih kita kenal dengan nama web hosting.
Ada banyak web hosting yang bisa anda gunakan baik yang servernya berada didalam negeri (IIX) atau luar negeri, misalnya hostgator, hawkhost, jogjahost, dll.
Anda juga bisa membuat komputer server sendiri pada komputer lokal/laptop anda. Caranya adalah dengan menginstall apache, PHP dan database (bisa menggunakan mysql atau lainya). Jika anda menggunakan windows maka akan lebih mudah lagi, sudah ada software yang membundle ke-3 aplikasi tersebut menjadi satu kesatuan, yaitu wamp atau xamp. wamp dapat anda download gratis, silahkan baca artikel kami sebelumnya yang membahas bagaimana cara install wamp/xamp pada komputer lokal. Jika anda menggunakan linux anda bisa mempelajari tentang LAMP (linux, apache, mysql, php).
Demikian semoga artikel ini bermanfaat dan menjawab pertanyaan anda tentang pengertian kopmuter server.[/sociallocker]
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Monday, February 27, 2017
Percy Jackson Sea of Monsters 2013
Percy Jackson Sea of Monsters 2013
Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters [2013]
Info : http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1854564/
Genre : Adventure, Family, Fantasy
Release Date : 7 August 2013 (USA)
Director : Thor Freudenthal
Stars : Logan Lerman, Alexandra Daddario, Brandon T. Jackson
Studio/Distributor : 20th Century Fox
Production Companies : Fox 2000 Pictures, 20th Century Fox
Subtitle : N/A
Storyline : To save their world, Percy and his friends must find the fabled and powerfully magic Golden Fleece.
Embarking on a treacherous odyssey into the uncharted waters of the Sea of Monsters (known to humans as the Bermuda Triangle),
they battle terrifying creatures, an army of zombies, and the ultimate Evil.
- Hide Trailer
- Hide Screenshot
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Sunday, February 26, 2017
NGA?Y 11.5.2011:
Photoshop CS5: A?nh Thiê?u Sa?ng Da?ng DOC (1,66 MB):
Photoshop CS5: A?nh Thiê?u Sa?ng Da?ng PDF (520 KB):
Photoshop CS5: A?nh Thiê?u Sa?ng Da?ng HTM:
Photoshop CS5: A?nh Thiê?u Sa?ng LINKS:
http://utbinh.com/4/11052011/ANHTHIEUSANG A.doc
Photoshop CS5: Cover cu?a Utbinhdesign:
DOWNLOAD BA?I NA?Y: http://goo.gl/TduHc
DOWNLOAD A?NH TH??C TÂ?P: http://goo.gl/DX0od
DOWNLOAD CH??NG TRI?NH PS CS5: http://goo.gl/SBcG2
XEM VIDEO: http://goo.gl/tN5jW
XEM VIDEO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4lUewDuuFRs
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qLauncher 1 0 6
qLauncher 1 0 6
Current Version: 1.0.6
Requires Android: 4.0.3 and up
Category: Personalization
v1.0.6 update:
- removed lags when swiping widgets
- app can be launched by saying its name
- added an advanced option: ignore add/remove request
- adjusted the text size in the tag list
- fixed some bugs and optimized
- fixed unstable layout issue in some versions of Samsung firmware
- fixed some bugs
- faster folder animation
- fixed some bugs
- better experience when dragging item
- fixed some bugs and optimized
- published
The Fastest Way to Launch It!
Here is my new launcher, which was developed from my experience and philosophy for the home application. This has very neat and simple user interface while its features are incredibly intuitive, efficient, and creative. If you are using it in 30 minutes, you can learn all the features. If you are using it in 3 days, you will be satisfied with its efficiency.
Single applications page with high quality big icons
Smart sort analyzes your using patterns by time, location and phone status
Voice commands searching tag, launching app or any other your own task? Just say!
Incredibly quick search by initial letter
Categorize and search applications with powerful tagging tools
More good features
Swiping widgets horizontally
Folder in Dockbar
Many gestures (tap or swipe screen, shake or horizontality of device)
Supported 3rd party applications
Popup Widget
Missed it!
* Used permission information: http://ift.tt/UxTItb
Download qLauncher 1.0.6 APK here.
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QR code
QR code
Hi?n nay, mã QR Code ?ang tr? nên th?nh hành nh? s? ti?n d?ng và kh? n?ng linh ho?t. Ch?ng h?n b?n có th? d? dàng m? b?t k? liên k?t ho?c URL ?ng d?ng trên ?i?n tho?i di ??ng ch? b?ng cách quét m?t mã QR. V?y b?n có mu?n ??a nó vào blog c?a mình không.
QR Code là gì?
Mã QR là m?t mã v?ch ma tr?n (ho?c mã hai chi?u), có th? ??c b?i các máy quét QR, ?i?n tho?i di ??ng v?i m?t máy ?nh hay ?i?n tho?i thông minh. Mã bao g?m các module ?en s?p x?p theo m?t mô hình vuông trên n?n tr?ng. Thông tin mã hóa có th? là v?n b?n, URL ho?c các d? li?u khác.
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PC monitor technology and interfaces
PC monitor technology and interfaces
Monitors general information

- 14 inch monitor is adequate for 800 x 600 resolution.
- 15 inch monitor is adequate for 1024 x 768 resolution.
- 17 inch monitor is adequate for 1024 x 768 resolution.
- 19 inch monitor is adequate for 1280 x 1024 resolution.
- 21 inch monitor is adequate for 1600 x 1280 resolution.
Computer Standard | Resolution |
VGA | 640 x 480 (4:3) |
SVGA | 800 x 600 (4:3) |
XGA | 1024 x 768 (4:3) |
WXGA | 1280 x 768 (15:9) |
SXGA | 1280 x 1024 (5:4) |
SXGA+ | 1400 x 1050 (4:3) |
WSXGA | 1680 x 1050 (16:10) |
UXGA | 1600 x 1200 (4:3) |
UXGAW | 1900 x 1200 (1.58:1) |
QXGA | 2048 x 1536 (4:3) |
QVGA (quarter VGA) | 320 x 240 (4:3) |
Analogue TV Standard | Resolution |
PAL | 720 x 576 |
PAL VHS | 320 x 576 (approx.) |
NTSC | 640 x 482 |
NTSC VHS | 320 x 482 (approx.) |
Digital TV Standard | Resolution |
NTSC (preferred format) | 648 x 486 |
D-1 NTSC | 720 x 486 |
D-1 NTSC (square pixels) | 720 x 540 |
PAL | 720 x 486 |
D-1 PAL | 720 x 576 |
D-1 PAL (square pixels) | 768 x 576 |
HDTV | 1920 x 1080 |
Digital Film Standard | Resolution |
Academy standard | 2048 x 1536 |
Monitor interfaces
Analogue VGA interface

- 1 Red Video
- 2 Green Video
- 3 Blue Video
- 4
- 5
- 6 Red Return (ground)
- 7 Green Return (ground)
- 8 Blue Return (ground)
- 9
- 10 Sync Return (ground)
- 11
- 12
- 13 Horizontal Sync
- 14 Vertical Sync
- 15

Pin New VESA DDC Old VGA1 Red Red2 Green Green3 Blue Blue4 No Connect Reserved5 Ground Ground6 Ground Red Ground7 Ground Green Ground8 Ground Blue Ground9 No Connect No connect10 Ground Ground for syncs11 No Connect Monitor ID 0 (ground)12 DDC DAT Monitor ID 1 (no connect)13 Horizontal Sync Horizontal Sync14 Vertical Sync Vertical Sync15 DDC Clock No Connect
1 MHz: 0.6 dB/100ft5 MHz: 1.3 dB/100ft10 MHz: 1.8 dB/100ft30 MHz: 10.2 dB/100ft100 MHz: 17.1 dB/100ft
10 MHz: 1.6 dB/100ft50 MHz: 4.0 dB/100ft100 MHz: 6.1 dB/100ft200 MHz: 9.8 dB/100ft300 MHz: 13.0 dB/100ft400 MHz: 15.9 dB/100ft
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Saturday, February 25, 2017
pre selling 4 bedrooms house for sale in mandaue city
pre selling 4 bedrooms house for sale in mandaue city
Conveniently located just 3KM away from Ateneo de Cebu on PAGSABUNGAN RD, MANDAUE CITY, 88 Hillside Residences is an exclusive enclave of 24 modern homes. Built on a hill, equipped with rainwater tanks, and with its own landscaped gardens and multipurpose hall, youll have everything you need for your stylish, nature-loving lifestyle.
2 Storey Duplex
Lot Area: 71 TO 85 sqm
Floor Area: 111 sqm TO 114 sqm
Price Range: Php 4,611,336.00 TO Php 4,791,280.00
4 Bedrooms
3 Toilet & Bath
Service Area
1 Car Garage
Ateneo de Cebu 3KM
SM Savemore Canduman 1KM
SM Savemore Insular Sq. 0.9KM
Local market 0.4KM
Basak Elementary School 0.4KM
Our Lady of Fatima Parish 0.4KM
Elegant guardhouse with 24-hour CCTV ( remotely viewable via internet on iPhone or Android
device )
Landscaped, gated entrance
Underground drainage system, concrete curb and gutter
Landscaped gardens, open areas, cemented sidewalks
Rainwater tank
Bathtub in Master bedrooms toilet & bath
L.E.D. for outdoor overnight lights
Multipurpose hall
24-hour security
Perimeter fence
Telephone, cable TV lines
Fire hydrants
Reservation Fee: Php 30,000.00
Option 1
Spot Cash with 5% Discount
Option 2
Spot Down Paymnent with with 2% discount
Balance through bank financing
Option 3
20% DP payable in ( 12 , 18 or 24 months)
80% Balance through Bank Financing
Real Estate License #: 0005812
Email: crs25realty@gmail.com
Mobile: +63920-9640292
Mobile: +63925-5640292
Website: http://www.crs25realty.com
Website: http://www.ceburealtyshop.com
from Classified Ads pre-selling 4 bedrooms house for sale in mandaue city
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Thursday, February 23, 2017
PS Vita Not Ready By Christmas
PS Vita Not Ready By Christmas
PS Vita will not be sold in the United States (U.S.) or Europe at Christmas time. Though many users who want to have it as a Christmas present.
The demand on these devices increased in nearly all the world. Theyll buy it when year end shopping season which is adjacent to at Christmas. Previous Sony promises that the launch will be phased PS Vita globally starting later this year.
Sony Corp. Executive Vice President Kazuo Hirai has stated that the PS Vita will go on sale in Japan later this year and early next year in the U.S. and Europe.
Hirai did not give an idea about the time delay, but he said that Sony wanted to prepare a solid game software offerings when it launched its hardware.
Hirai did not confirm a specific date for the launch of PS Vita. That means it is unclear whether a portable console with motion sensitive touch interface and will be ready to launch the Sony in the near future. Even in Japan alone can not clear whether PS Vita Christmas time already could be sold.
Hirai also explicitly denied that it would give a price cut for the PS Vita, Looking at the decision of its closest rival is Nintendo, which last week cut prices 3DS, less than half a year after its launch in order to increase sales.
We package the device is properly and make it very affordable, said Hirai.
There is no need to lower the price just because someone else who happened to be in the video game business decided that they would lower their prices, he concluded.
PS Vita will sell for USD249 in the U.S., and USD312 in Japan for the version of Wi-Fi. As for the version that has a cell phone service will be priced in the U.S. and USD299 and USD374 in Japan.
PlayStation Vita Begin Circulating November 2011
PS Vita Claims Gliding October
Rumors, CPU PS Vita Will Made Samsung?
Sony, Play Station Vita Start Marketed December 2011
View Original Article
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Wednesday, February 22, 2017
Prohack Advertising Rates Slashed – Reach to a wider audience !!!
Prohack Advertising Rates Slashed – Reach to a wider audience !!!
Prohack, your favorite technology blog has expanded a lot in quite a short span of time and is celebrating in unison its ascent with you guys :) Prohack is all ears to advertising of relevant technology websites and has slashed its advertising rates to give you a bigger scoop of benefits. Currently, Prohack supports advertising in following formats and all prices are negotiable in nature -
- Top Slot - The top slot catches everybodys eye and always remains at the apex at rock bottom cost.The top slot to the right of header (ad size - 468 X 60 Full Banner, No Flash) for 33$ per month, 15$per week , 165$ per year (less than 14$ per month!!!) and 320$ for 2 years (less than 14$ per month !!!)
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- Article advertising - I will be writing an 800-1000 word article about your website/company/enterprise which will include exclusive advertising.The featured article will be for visible for a period of 2 weeks to 1 month on the website front page providing ample view for readers to feed out on your offerings. The gives your review maximum exposure to PROHACK readers. I will be permitting 1 image for a logo and at max 2 images for your agenda. You have to provide me the main theme and the dos and donts for your firm/enterprise/company/website. 50$ per article is the standard price.
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You are free to choose your advertising scheme and negotiate accordingly.
So ?!! What are you waiting for ? Speak to your audience :) you can contact me at admin[at]theprohack.com
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Persamaan Perbedaan Mesin Printer Persamaan Printer HP Deskjet F2410
Persamaan Perbedaan Mesin Printer Persamaan Printer HP Deskjet F2410
Persamaan Mesin Printer HP Deskjet F2410 dengan Type HP Deskjet lainnya :
Persamaan Body / Bentuk Fisik :
- Printer HP Deskjet F2410 = Printer HP Deskjet 2476 : Perbedaan cuma ada di Firmware / Software Lavel Type Printer. Namun secara Driver tetap dikenal dengan Type yg sama (tidak ada perbedaan type di driver)
- Printer HP Deskjet F2410 = Printer HP Ink Advantage K209 : Fisik 90% Sama, Perbedaan cuma terletak di Tombol Panel / Tombol On off. F2410 tanpa display dan Ink Advantage K209 ada LCD display untuk Indicator Level Ink atau Ink Error.
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Premium Version
Premium Version
Hi To All !
Today I Publish Premium Version Of Z-ebay Software Collection Software List And I Hope You Accept This Collection And Buy It . This Version Of Z-ebay Software Collection Software Really Is A Huge Collection That Do Needlees Your Of Other Software, Beacause Best Of Software Collected In This Collection. Its Price Is Only $2750 But Its Real Value Is Over $1,000,000. Bellow Is Software List :
This Version Copy Writed At 8 DVD And It Is Over 45 GB Software
3D Home Design
Broderbund 3D Home Architect Deluxe 6.0
FloorPlan3D DesignSuite v11.0.32
Sweet Home 3D 1.3
Audio & Video Convertors
1 Video Converter 4.2.4
4U AVI MPEG Converter v5.38
Absolute MP3 Splitter & Converter 2.7.6
Absolute Video Converter 3.0.5
Absolute Video to Audio Converter V3.06
Aglare Music Converter Platinum v5.8
Agogo AVI MPEG WMV RM MOV Converter 5.21
Agogo Video To iPod PSP 3GP Xbox PPC PDA MP4 v5.21
Allok 3GP PSP MP4 iPod Converter 2.6.2
Allok MOV Converter v2.3.0
Allok Video to MP4 Converter 4.7.1119
Altdo Video to Flash Converter 2.0
Amor SWF to Video Converter v2.39
Any DVD Converter Pro 3.5.6
AoA Advanced X Video Converter v4.81
AoA iPod PSP 3GP MP4 Converter v3.04
A-one iPod PSP 3GP Video Converter v5.70
Aone Ultra iPod Movie Converter v3.8
Aone Ultra Mobile 3GP Video Converter v3.0.4.0421b
A-one Ultra QuickTime Converter v2.2
Apex AVI Converter v6.28
Apex RM RMVB Converter v6.54
Apex Video Converter Super 6.44
Apex Video to Flash SWF FLV Converter v3.72
Apex WMV ASF Converter v5.36
Aplus Video Converter v8.68
Aplus Video to Xbox Converter v6.38
Arial Audio Converter 2.3.91
AutoMKV 0.95
A-Z MPEG VCD DVD Video Converter v4.51
A-Z Zune Video Converter 3.48
Blaze Media Pro 8.0
Blaze Video Magic 3.0.0
BMP 2 AVI 1.04
Boilsoft ASF Converter 2.68
Boilsoft RM Converter v3.28
Boilsoft RM to MP3 Converter 1.48
Charm Real Converter Pro v6.6
ConvertHQ v1.1.1.1
DVD To iPod Video Converter Suite v7.0.8
Elecard XMuxer Pro 2.5.80207
Fox Video Converter v8.0.10.25
Kingdia Video to MOV SWF FLV MKV 1.1.11
McFunSoft Video Convert Master v8.0.10.26
McFunSoft Video Solution v8.0.10.26
My Video Converter v1.2.22
MySuperSoft SuperAVConverter v8.9.6000
Nidesoft iPhone Video Converter v2.0.38
Okoker All To Mp3 Converter v1.8
Okoker All Video Converter And Burner Pro v6.3
PiMPStreamer 0.91
Power Video Converter 1.6.3
Program4Pc PC Video Converter Studio v5.0
PS3 Video 9 2.25
PSP Movie Converter v2.07
RM to AVI MPEG WMV VCD DVD Converter v5.7
Super Video to Audio Converter v5.7
TMPGEnc Xpress v4.4.2.238
Total Video Converter v3.11
Ultimate DVD and Video Converter Suite v7.13
Wit.Cobber Super Video Converter 5.6
Wit.Cobber Super Video Joiner 5.6
WMV to AVI MPEG VCD SVCD DVD Converter 5.7
Wondershare Video Converter Platinum v3.2.41
Xilisoft Audio Converter
Xilisoft Video Converter
Yamb (03.02.08)
Audio Editors
Ableton Live v7.0.3
Acoustica Premium Edition v4.1.0.369
AD Sound Recorder v3.71
Adrosoft Steady Recorder 2.4.3
Anvil Studio 2007.05.01
Arturia CS-80V VSTi RTAS v1.6
Ashampoo Music Studio 3.40
Atomix Virtual DJ Pro v5.07
Audio Editor Gold 9.2.17
Audio Record Edit Toolbox v9.5
AudioRetoucher 3.1.61
AV Music Morpher Gold 3.0.19
Cakewalk Rapture VSTi DXi RTAS 1.1
Cool Edit 2000 2.1 Build 3097.0
DJ Music Mixer v3.7
DSS DJ 5.5
E-Soft DJ Studio Pro v3.0
Gold Wave Editor 9.1
Guitar Pro v5.2
IK Multimedia Amplitube Metal VST RTAS v1.0
FruityLoops Studio Producer Edition XXL v8.0
Image Line PoiZone 2.1
Karaoke Sound Tools v1.07
Korg Legacy Collection 1.1.10
mp3DirectCut 2.08
MusicPhrase XL v3.0
Native Instruments Guitar Rig v3.01
Native Instruments Traktor v3.31
REAPER v2.148
Sony Acid Music Studio v7.0a
SONY Sound Forge 9.0e
Total Recorder Pro v7.0
Virtual DJ Studio 5.3
Vivid Lyrics Editor v2.5.2
Wave Corrector Professional Edition v3.4
Wave Repair v4.9.2
WaveMax Sound Editor v3.8.7
WavePurity Professional 5.50
Advanced Installer Enterprise 6.2
AutoPlay Menu Builder v5.3.1218
AutoRun Design Specialty v9.0.0.1
CDMenuPro 6.23.03
Dr Explain v1.5.36
Emco MSI Package Builder v3.1.15.65
HelpBlocks v1.20
Indigo Rose Setup Factory v7.0.1.0
IndigoRose AutoPlay Media Studio v7.1
InstallShield 2008 Premier edition v14
Longtion AutoRun Pro Enterprise v12.0.4.132
MediaChance Multimedia Builder
Nullsoft Install System (NSIS) 2.37
QSetup Installation Suite v9.0
Tarma ExpertInstall Enterprise v3.5.2645
Wise Installation Studio v7.0 SP1
Wise Installation System 9.2 Professional
CD Tools
100xCD Cache 2.7
Acoustica CDDVD Label Maker v3.21
Acoustica MP3 CD Burner 4.5
Ahead Nero Lite
Alcohol 120%
Alcohol 120% Black Edition 4.0 2008
Alcoholer 4.1
Ashampoo Burning Studio 7.21
Ashampoo Movie Shrink and Burn 3 v3.02
Bad CD Repair Pro v4.06
BadCopy Pro 4.10.1215
Blindwrite v6.0.8.92
Burn4Free CD and DVD 3.8
CD DVD Helper Pro v2.5
CDCheck 3.1.13
CD-DVD Data Recovery v1.0
ClonyXXL 2006
DiscJuggler NET v6.0.0.1400
Easy CD-DA Extractor v11.52.3
Easy Music CD Burner v3.0.83
EZB Systems EasyBoot 5.12.586
Golden Hawk CDRWIN 4.0G Unicode
Nero DiscSpeed
Nero InfoTool
Oront Burning Kit 2.17 Premium
SlySoft CloneCD
Sony CD Architect v5.2d
WTM CD Protect 1.96
DVD Ripper
CCCP 2008.01.24
Codec for Windows 8.26
CodecInstaller 2.91
FFDSHOW rev.1925 (2008-04-05)
K-Lite Codec Pack 3.9.0
K-Lite Mega Codec Pack 3.9.0
Windows Media Format 11
DVD Rippers
1 DVD Ripper 7.2.4
Acala DVD Ripper Professional v5.6.8
Alldj DVD To MPEG Converter v3.2
A-one DVD To 3GP Ripper v6.40
A-one DVD To iPod Ripper v6.40
A-one DVD To PPC Ripper v6.40
A-one DVD To PSP Ripper v6.40
DVDPean Pro v5.60
DVDx 2.10
Easy DVD Extractor v4.4
Magic DVD Ripper 5.3 Build 4
Plato DVD Ripper v6.72
Wondershare DVD to Flash Converter v2.4.19
Xilisoft DVD Ripper Platinum
DVD Tools
Amadis FLV to DVD Creator 1.1.7
Anvsoft DVD Burning Xpress v3.30
AnyDVD & AnyDVD HD Full
AoA DVD Creator v2.01
A-one DVD Copy v5.81
Apollo Audio DVD Creator v1.2.29
Apollo DivX to DVD Creator v4.61
Blaze DVD Copy v4.1.0.2
BurnerSoft Easy DVD Shrink v3.0.24
Cheetah DVD Burner 2.30
CloneDVD Final
ConvertXtoDVD v3.0.0.9
CopyToDVD v4.0.4.60
CyberLink PowerDVD Copy
Dimadsoft DvdReMake Pro v3.61
DVD Flick Build 616
DVD Menu Studio V2.0.17.0
DVD Shirink
DVD VR Extractor v1.0.0.16
DVD X Studios CloneDVD
DVD2one 2.2.1
DVD-Cloner V 5.30 Build 970
DVDFab Platinum Final
DVDIdle Pro v5.9.8.5
DVDInfo Pro v5.02
DVDSanta v4.5
DVDStyler 1.62
DVDSubEdit 1.4
DVDZip Copy v1.5
GEAR Video v9.0
JDobbs DVD ReBuilder PRO v1.27.3
McFunSoft DVD Creator v8.0.10.26
MediaChance DVD Menu Studio v1.1
MediaChance DVDLab Pro v2.5
TMPGEnc DVD Author
Xilisoft DVD Creator
2nd Speech Center 3.30
Absolute Sound Recorder v3.66
Advanced eLearning Builder v3.6.5
Alive WMA MP3 Recorder v3.2.0.3
All My Movies 4.9 Build 1255
Arial CD Ripper v1.7.6
Arial Sound Recorder 1.42
AV Voice Changer Diamond v6.0.10
Bix Photo Book v3.12
Bram Bos Tunafish v1.7
Cool Music Card v3.60
Coollector 2.07
Digitope Media Digitalizer v3.32
DivX for Windows
EMDB 0.62
FreeRIP 3.081
Guitar Speed Trainer
i-Sound WMA MP3 Recorder Pro 6.72
Longtion FlashDemo Pro v4.0.0.32
Movie Collector Pro v5.31
Movie Label 2009
Mp3tag 2.41
Music Label 2008
MyTheatre v3.38.2
Neosoft NeoBook 5.5.3b Professional
Online TV Player 3.0.940
PhotoToFilm 2.8
PianoFX STUDIO 4.0
POP Subtitle Editor v1.00
Soundbase 2008.03.28
Subtitle Processor 7.71
Super Internet TV 7.2
Text To Speech Maker v1.62
TextAloud MP3 v2.285
VCD Menu Lite 2.00
Vectormedia Tinnitus Masker Deluxe v7.0
Virtual Piano 3.0
Windows ASPI Drivers 4.70 XP
Windows Media Player Dolby Surround II Plugin
Xilsoft CD Ripper v1.0.39.0314
Yogen Vocal Remover v3.0.3.2
Apple QuickTime Pro v7.45
BlazeDVD Player Professional v6.52
BlazeVideo HDTV Player 3.5
BSplayer PRO v2.28
CrystalPlayer Pro 1.98 RC0
Cyberlink PowerDVD Ultra Deluxe v8.0
Decoder Blaster 2001 XP
DFX Audio Enhancer 8.325 WMP
Evil Player 1.23
FantasyDVD Player Platinum v9.51
Foobar2000 0.9.53
GOM Player
J.River Media Center 12.0.475
jetAudio 7.1.0 Build 3100 Plus VX
Kantaris Media Player 0.3.5
Miro (formerly Democracy Player) 1.23
Mozekty 2.3
Ots CD Scratch 1200 1.00.044
PSM Player 5.0
Real Alternative 1.8.0
Real Player 11.0.6 Gold Premium
SMPlayer 0.5.62
Sothink FLV Player v2.1 Build 71029
Spider Player 2.3
Star Media Center 0.92
ViViDVD Player v2.0.9
VLC Media Player 0.8.6h - Final
Winamp 5.53 Build 1938 - Final
Windows Media Player 11 Final
Xion Audio Player 1.0.100
Quran 3D
Quran in Word 1.3
Screen saver Maker
2D 3D Screensaver Maker 3.61
Ace Pro Screensaver Creator v3.40
Acme Photo ScreenSaver Maker 2.00
Axialis Professional Screen Saver Producer 3.6
Easy ScreenSaver Station v4.2
Nufsoft Nature Illusion Studio v2.7
Screensaver Builder 3.50
Screensaver Factory Enterprise v4.7
Screen saver
3D Koi ScreenSaver v1.0
Cuckoo Clock 3D Screensaver v1.0
Deep Space 3D Screensaver 1.0
Galleon 3D Screensaver v1.3
Lagoon 3D Screensaver v1.0
Living Dolphins 3D Screensaver
Mayan Waterfall 3D Screensaver 1.0
Nature 3D Screensaver 1.1
Water Clock 3D Screensaver
Zodiac Clock 3D Screensaver
Screen-Capture Tools
ALLCapture v3.0
Ashampoo Magical Snap 2.30
BB FlashBack v2.02
BB TestAssistant v2.02
FastStone Capture 6.0
FlashDemo Studio 1.15
HardCopy Pro v3.0
HyperSnap-DX 6.30.02
Inbit FullShot v9.5.13
My Screen Recorder Pro 2.65
screen2exe 1.3
ScreenFlash v2.0.0083
Screenshot Magic V3.4
SmartCapture v2.0
SnagIt 8.2.3
TechSmith Camtasia Studio 5.1.0
TurboDemo Enterprise v7.5
WinSnap 2.12
Wondershare Democreator v1.660
Virtual & CD-DVD Image Tools
Daemon Tools Pro Advanced 4.10.0218
Extra Drive Creator Pro 6.6
FarStone Virtual Hard Drive Pro v2.0
FarStone VirtualDrive Pro v11.60.08022115
IsoBuster Pro Final
Isoeditor 1.0
JetBee Free 4.0.5
LSoft Active ISO File Manager v3.3
MagicISO Maker v5.4 Build 256
MakBit Virtual CD-DVD v1.7.0
Okoker ISO Maker v6.2
Phantom CD 0.9.8
PowerISO v4.0
SoftDisc v3.0
UltraISO Premium Edition 9.2.0 Build 2536
Virtual CD 9.2
Virtual CloneDrive Final
WinImage 8.10.8100 Final
WinMount 2.22
BOOT: Toolkit Disk 2008
English Learning
ABC Kid Genius 2.15
AceReader Pro Deluxe Network v5.016
An Audio Guide to Perfect Usage
Speak English Like An American
Flash Tools
AiO FLASH Mixer 3.7
Amayeta SWF Encrypt v4.0.5
AnFX v5.3.4.7
Anim-FX v3.5
AntsSoft SWF Text v1.4
Anvsoft Flash Slideshow Maker Pro 4.77
Berg Flash Player 8.0
CoffeeCup Ad Producer v3.0
CoffeeCup Flash Blogger v4.5
CoffeeCup Flash Firestarter v7.2
CoffeeCup Flash Photo Gallery v5.6
Conaito PPT to Flash Converter v2.2
Dreamingsoft 123 Flash Menu v3.5.0.1340
Flash Album Creator v2.1.5.1597
Flash Banner Creator 1.10
Flash Decompiler v2.9.0.349
Flash Optimizer v1.4.5.161
Flash Particle Studio v1.0
Flash Player Pro v3.65
Flash Video Studio v1.5
Flash-3D Flash Animator 4.0
FlashSpring iSpring Pro
FlashSpring Ultra v2.3.1.1529
FLIP Flash Album Deluxe v1.8
Fortop SWF Resources Extractor 1.2
Fox Flash Decompiler V3.0.0.1
GozTun Flash Camera 1.0
GozTun Flash Joiner v4.0
Kaleido Flash v2.3
Lucky Monkey Designs FlashyEffects v1.3.1
Lucky Monkey Designs KoolMoves v6.1.2
MySuperSoft Flash2Video v5.0.200
Selteco Alligator Flash Designer 7.0.7
Sothink SWF Decompiler v4.1
Sothink SWF Quicker 3.0.71120
Sothink SWF to Video Converter v2.3
SWF n Slide Pro v1.024
SWF To Image GUI 1.00
SWF Toolbox
SWFKit 3.1
SWiSH Presenter
SWiSH Studio2 2007.05.09a
SWiSHvideo 2
Video To Flash Encoder v2.4.80
Video-AVI to Flash-SWF Converter 1.0
Wondershare Flash SlideShow Builder 4.2
Wondershare Flash to Video Converter v1.0.0.0
Wondershare FlashOnTV 3.0.23
Xilisoft FLV Converter v3.1.29.0419b
Font Pack
800 Font
Arsenal Font Collection vol.4
Best Font
English fonts
Persian Fonts
XP Persian Fonts
Font Tools
Alchemy Mindworks Corporation Font Wrangler v2.0r
BitFontCreator Pro 2.3
Cfont Pro 3.1
Digitope FontZip v5.1.19
Font Fitting Room Deluxe v2.9.6.8
FontCreator v5.6 Pro
FontExpert 2007 v9.0 R5
FontExplorerL.M v4.6.5
Fontlab Studio v5.0.0
Free Font Renamer 2.0
GLCD Font Creator v1.0.1
SunRav Fonter v1.2
Gif Animation Tools
Animated GIF Producer v3.3
Atani v4.44
AVD Video Processor v7.7
AZ Paint & Animated GIF Editor V6.1
Beneton Movie GIF 1.1.2
Blaze GIF Creator 5.60
Blumentals Easy GIF Animator Pro v4.6.0.34
CoffeeCup GIF Animator v7.6
CyD GIF Studio Pro 2007
GIF Movie Gear 4.02
GIF2SWF v1.2.211
IconCool GIF Animator v5.74.70320
Magic Swf2Gif v1.35
Mindworks GIF Construction Pro 3.0a17
Selteco Bannershop GIF Animator v5.11
Ulead GIF Animator 5.05
Icon Tools
700 Icons Pack
Antique icons
ArtIcons Pro 5.20
AWicons Pro v9.4.0
Axialis IconWorkshop 6.20
AZ Icon Editor V6.0.0
Disney Icons
Falco Icon Studio v2.4
Greenfish Icon Editor Pro 1.51
IcoFX 1.6.1
Icon Pack
IconCool Studio Pro 5.0 Build 70428
IconsExtract v1.45
Microangelo Toolset v6.10.4
Paint Express 1.31
PC Icon Converter Plus v4.2
PC Icon Editor v3.3
OCR Softwares
ABBYY FineReader Professional
ABBYY PDF Transformer
Readiris Pro 11 Corporate Edition ME
TopOCR 2.6
PDF Tools
Adobe Acrobat 8.0 ME
Advanced PDF Repair v1.1
Ap PDF To Image Converter v3.5
BroadGun pdfMachine Ultimate 12.12
Cool PDF Reader
doPDF 6.0.259
EXPert PDF Editor Pro v1.5
Foxit PDF Creator v1.0.2231
Foxit PDF Editor v2.0.1011
Foxit Reader 2.3 Build 2825
Image To PDF 3.1
MicroAdobe PDF Editor 6.2
Nitro PDF Professional
NovaPDF Professional Desktop v5.4.251
OmniFormat v8.3
Pdf editor v2.4.0.0
PDF Password Remover v2.5
PDF2CHM v1.1
PDF2Word v3.
PDF995 Printer Driver v8.4
PdfFactory Pro v3.30 Server
PDF-XChange Viewer 1.034
PrimoPDF 4.0.1
PS To PDF 2.0
Sonic PDF Creator 2.0
VeryPDF HTML Converter v2.0.07112006
VeryPDF PDF Editor v2.2
Photo Browser
3D Photo Browser v8.51
Accessory Software Photo Snap v2.0
ACDSee Photo Manager 10.0.258
Ashampoo Photo Commander 6.10
FastStone Image Viewer 3.50
Firegraphic 9.0.900
IrfanView 4.10
Picasa Photo Organizer 2.7 Build 37.49
PolyView v4.38
Ulead Photo Explorer 8.5
XnView 1.93.6 Final
Photo Converter
Able Photo Resizer
adionSoft Fast Image Resizer 0.96
Advanced JPEG Compressor v5.1
Batch Image Resizer 2.87
Better JPEG v1.72
Digitope Picture Converter v1.2.73
FastStone Photo Resizer 2.5
Graphics Converter Pro v6.80.70112
Image Compressor 2008 Pro v6.0.2.5
IRedSoft Batch It Ultra v3.988
Multiple Image Resizer .NET
Nufsoft DropBox Image Processor v1.0
Quick Photo Resizer
Resize Pictures Plus v2.11
Right Click Image Converter v2.2.2
Visualizer Photo Resize 6.1
Photo Editing
ACDSee Photo Editor 4.0.211
Artizen HDR v2.5.31
Ashampoo Photo Optimizer 2 v2.0.0.1
Black Magic Pro 2.8
Caricature Studio 3.0
DreamLight Photo Editor v2.38
Dynamic PHOTO HDRI v3.0
Face Smoother v1.38
Falco Auto Image 1.3
ImageElements Tool Suite 1.09a
Intocartoon Professional v3.0
IRIS 5.54
MMD DigitalPhoto
MobaPhoto 1.40
Paint.NET 3.31
Photo Collage Studio 4.2
Photo Crop Editor v1.15
Photo Effects v1.41
Photo Pos Pro 1.60
Photo to Color Sketch v6.65
Photo-Brush v4.1
PhotoDream 1.34
PhotoFiltre Studio 9.2.1
PhotoLightning v5.1
Photomatix Pro v3.0
PhotoZoom Pro 2.3.2
Portrait Professional Max 6.3.5
Reallusion FaceFilter Studio v2.0.1206.1
Reshade Image Enlarger v1.36
RGBmachine v3.7
Saint Paint Studio v15.0
TeoreX Inpaint v1.0
Turbo Photo 6.1
Wild Photo Effects 1.0
Xara Xtreme Pro v4.0.4728 DL
Photo Tools
3D Box Maker Pro 2.1
3D ProductBox v2007 R2
3D Real Boxshot v4.0
ACD Systems FotoSlate 4 Photo Print Studio 4.0.66
Adusoft Photo DVD Slideshow v5.71
Album Creator PRO v3.5.573
AndreaMosaic 3.22
Anvsoft DVD Photo Slideshow v7.92
ASCII Art Studio v2.2.1
AutoPrint v3.07
Batch Picture Watermark v1.0
Batch Watermark Creator v6.11
Blue Squirrel ClickBook v10.0
BNASolutions EzPrint Tracker Pro v2.1.0.0
Box Shot 3D v2.7
Cool ASCII 1.00
Digital Light and Color Profile Mechanic Scanner v1.03
Dupeguru Picture Edition v1.41
eCover 3D v1.0
FantaMorph Deluxe 3.71
FirmTools Panorama Composer v3.1.411
FotoSketcher v1.5
Frame Maker Pro 2.54
Fun Morph v7.20
Fun Photor 8.23
Insofta Cover Commander 2.7
Kneson Imagener Professional v1.0.9
Longtion SlideShow Pro v5.0.0.10
Magic ASCII Studio v2.2.1201
Microsoft Pro Photo Tools v1.0
Morph Man 4.0
Morpheus Photo Animation Suite 3.10
Photo Collage Platinum v2.04
Photodex ProShow Gold v3.1.2010
PhotoDVD v2.9.1.2
PhotoViz 3.0.85
PhotoWatermark Professional v7.052
PhotoWipe 1.0
PicaLoader 1.55
Picture Collage Maker v1.84
PicturesToExe Deluxe 5.02
Pixio TextDraw v5.9 & Imagetrix v5.5
Pixtra PanoStitcher v1.5.2.2
Qimage Studio 2007
Scanitto v1.11
Smart Photo Import v1.10
TechnoRiver SmartCodeStudio Professional v4.0
The Panorama Factory v4.5
True BoxShot 1.7
Ulead Cool 360
Virtual Cover Creator v2.10 Retail
VueScan Professional Edition 8.4.70
Web Gallery Builder v1.85
WinWatermark v2.4.8.20080425
Wondershare Photo Story Platinum v2.6.0
WPanorama 9.01
Zards Software Easy Watermarker v1.5
Security Tools
1st Disk Drive Protector v2.3
1st Security Agent with 1st Screen Lock v7.6
Access Administrator Pro v4.7
Active Lock v1.0
Advanced Encryption Package 2008 Pro 4.6.13
Anfibia Deskman SE v7.0.6
Aurora Password Manager Business 2.2
BCArchive 2.0
Blumentals Software Program Protector v3.1
CryptCD v5.0 Enterprise Edition
Cryptic Disk v2.4.9.0
CryptoExpert 2007 Professional v7.08
CyberScrub Privacy Suite v5.0
Data Doctor Secure Data Wiper v3.0.1.5
Deskman Pro 8.0.1
Disk Doctors Data Sanitizer v1.0.1
DVD Device Lock v2.3.410
East-Tec DisposeSecure 2008 v4.0.0.191
Easy File And Folder Protector v4.81
Eltima Hide My Folders
Family Cyber Alert 4.12
File Lock v6.1.3
Folder Guard Professional v7.91
Folder Lock 5.9.0
Hide & Protect Any Drives 2.2
History Sweeper 2.84
Invisible Secrets v4.6.2
KeePass Password Safe v1.11
Mil Shield v6.1
Mirage License Protector v2.5
Multimedia Protector Premium v1.3.1.306
MySecretFolder v4.31 XP
OrgPassword 2.6
ParetoLogic Privacy Controls 2.0.6804
Password Door v8.3.2
PC Security Tweaker v7.6
PC Spy Keylogger v2.48
Powerful Cookies 3.52
Privacy Shield v3.0.73
Real Spy Monitor 2.83
Refog KGB Spy v4.2.1
R-Wipe & Clean 7.9.1447
Sakina Privacy Protector
Salfeld Child Control 2008 v9.941
Smart Protector Pro 7.4
Softstack Hide Files and Folders v3.22
SoftwarePassport Armadillo 5.42 Pro
Steganos Safe 2008
System Shield
UltraShredder 4.5.4
Webcam Zone Trigger Pro 2.109
Webroot Window Washer
Winguard Premium Edition 2007 6.5.18
WinPatrol 2008 PLUS v15.0.2008.0
Vector Tools
Acme CAD Converter 7.85
Algolab Photo Vector v1.98.73
Algolab Raster to Vector 2.97.39
AutoDWG DWG2PDF Converter v3.7.1.0
AutoDWG FlashDWG v2.0
BezierDraw 1.1.3
DWGTool DWG to IMAGE Converter MX v4.65
DWGTool DWG to WMF Converter MX v4.65
Gcode2000 v30.01
Graphics Converter Pro Vector 7.80
OakDoc DWG To Image v1.1
SmartVectorPro v6.1.08
Virtual Workstation
Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 SP1
VirtualBox 1.6.0
VMware Converter v3.0.1 build 44840
VMware Workstation ACE Edition
Web Design
3D Button Gold v3.03
Agama Web Buttons v2.64
AllWebMenus Pro 5.1.Build 732
Antechinus JavaScript Editor 9.0
Antenna Web Design Studio v2.7.0.132
AntsSoft Ultra Menu v1.1
Arigola Html2PHP Converter v2.0.16
Arles Image Web Page Creator v7.2.1
ASPRunner Professional 5.2.0
ASPRunner.NET 4.0
Aurora Web Editor 2008 Professional 3.3.1
Avanquest VCOM Web Easy Professional v7.00
Back to the Beach Web Studio v4.0 Build 428 SP4
CoffeeCup Button Factory 7.0
CoffeeCup Flash WebSite Font v3.0
CoffeeCup HTML Editor 2008 Build 235
CoffeeCup Visual Site Designer v5.85
CoffeeCup Web Calendar 4.0
CoffeeCup Web Form Builder v7.6
CoffeeCup Web JukeBox v4.3
Creator Thumbs for html
CSS Tab Designer 2.0
DzSoft PHP Editor
Easy Web Buttons v3.02
Feed Editor v4.6
Free Monitor for Google 2.4
HTMLPad 2008 Pro v9.0.0.89
Image Line EzGenerator v3.0.0.36
Image Thumbnailer and Converter v2.46
ionCube PHP Encoder 6.5
JS Menu Maker 1.0
Neowise Express Thumbnail Creator 1.81
PHP Designer 2008 Professional v6.02
PHPRunner 4.2
PNG MNG Construction Set v2.0.56
Rapid CSS Editor 2008 v9.0.0.89
Rapid PHP 2008 v9.0.0.89
Selteco Menu Maker 4.1.5
Site Studio 6.0 Pro
Sothink DHTMLMenu v8.5
Sothink Tree Menu v2.2.70427
Trendy Flash Site Builder 1.0
Web Calendar Pad v2008
Web Gallery Builder v1.87
WeBuilder 2008 v9.0.0.89
YoPoW 3.3.1
BOOT: Windows XP Service Pack 3 Final
3D & Animation
3D Canvas
3D Object Converter v4.20
3D-Brush v2.01 SP1
3DMeNow Lite
3DMiracle v1.74
3DSOM PRO v2.0.4.5
Art of Illusion 2.51
Autodesk 3ds Max 2009
Autodesk Maya 2008
Blender 2.46
Blufftitler DX9 v7.24
CINEMA 4D Studio Bundle v10.111
CrazyTalk 5 Pro
CyberMotion 3D-Designer 12
DAZ Bryce 6.0
Electric Rain Swift3D v5.0
FaceGen Modeller 3.1.2
Holomatix Blaze 3D Studio v1.5.0.215
Houdini 9.0.794 Final
Inivis AC3D v6.1.07
ItsMe 2.05
Newtek Lightwave 3D v9.3 Win32
Quest3D VR Edition 4.0
Remograph Remo 3D 1.44
Sqirlz Water Reflections 2.3
Xara3D 6.0
ZBrush 3.1
Anti Spy & Trojans
AdsGone Spyware Blocker 2008 v7.0.91
Anti-Trojan Elite v4.01
Arovax AntiSpyware v2.1.153
Ashampoo AntiSpyWare 2.01
Comodo BOClean Anti-Malware 4.26
Microsoft Malicious Software Removal 1.41
NETGATE Spy Emergency 2008 v5.0.205
Norton AntiBot v1.1.838
Panda Anti-Rootkit v1.08
ParetoLogic Anti-Spyware 5.5
RogueRemover FREE 1.24
Sophos Anti-Rootkit 1.3.1
SpyHunter 3.4.9
SpyRemover v2.74
Spyware Doctor
Spyware Nuker XT v4.9.02.1815
Spyware Terminator
SpywareBlaster 4.0
SuperAdBlocker v4.6.0.1000
SUPERAntiSpyware Professional
Trojan Guarder Gold 7.4
Trojan Remover 6.6.9
USB Disk Security v5.0.0.60
Webroot Spy Sweeper
XoftSpySE 4.33.263
xp-AntiSpy 3.97
ZoneAlarm AntiSpyware 7.0.473.000
ArcaClean Worm Removal Tool 1.1
Ashampoo AntiVirus v1.60
avast! Virus Cleaner 1.0.211
Avast!Professional v4.8.1201
BitDefender Total Security 2008 Build 11.0.9
Comodo AntiVirus
Emco Malware Destroyer 4.155
ESET NOD32 Antivirus 3.0.657
ESET Smart Security v3.0.658
G Data Anti...worm 1.006.0150
Kaspersky Anti-Virus
Kaspersky Free Cleaner
Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool v7.0.0.180
Linkfars Virus Remover
McAfee AVERT Stinger 3.9.9
McAfee VirusScan Plus.2008 v2.0.155.0
Moon Secure Antivirus
Multi Virus Cleaner 2008 8.20
New Folder Virus Remover
Norton Removal Tool 2008.0.3.15
PANDA Antivirus 2008
Panda Internet Security 2008 12.0
Panda Quick Remover
RRT - Remove Restrictions Tool 2.0
Symantec AntiVirus 10.1.7000.7
Symantec W32.Mydoom@mm Removal 1.12.0
W32 Blaster Cleaner
ZoneAlarm 7.0.473.000 Pro
FTP & Website Manager
Cerberus FTP Server v2.47
CuteFTP 8.2.0 Build 04.01.2008.1
FileZilla v3.0.9.1
FlashFXP v3.6.0.1240
FTP Now v2.6.86
FTPRush v1.1.219 Unicode
Titan FTP Server v6.10
TurboFTP v5.60.642
VanDyke SecureFX v6.02
Google Tools
GMail Drive 1.0.11
Google Desktop 5.7.805.16405
Google Earth Pro v4.2.181.2634
Google Hacks 1.6
GOOGLE Scaner 1.0
Google Talk
Google Toolbar for IE 4.0.1601.4978
Google Video Player
Google Web Accelerator
Internet Browser
Acoo Browser 1.83
Apple Safari 3.1.1
Avant Browser 11.6 Build 11
GreenBrowser 4.5 Build 0512
Internet Explorer 7.0.5730.13
Maxthon 2.1.0 Build 1870 - Final
Mozilla Firefox 3.0
Netscape Navigator
Opera 9.50 Build 9903
Internet Download Manager
µTorrent 1.8 Build 10093 Beta
BitComet 1.01
BitTorrent 6.0.3 Build 8642
BlackWidow v5.21
Download Accelerator Manager 3.2
Download Accelerator Plus Premium
DownloadStudio v4.0.4
eMule 0.49a - Final
eMule Xtreme 6.1
Free Download Manager v2.5.758
Fresh Download 8.00
HiDownload Pro 7.16
Internet Download Manager 5.12 Build 11
LimeWire Pro v4.16.7
Mass Downloader 3.4 Build 725
Net Transport 2.56a.396
NewsReactor 20071119.12
Orbit Downloader 2.6.5
SoulSeek 156c
Internet Tools
AI Roboform Pro 6.9.89
AMac Address Change v5.4
Anti-Porn v10.4.11.15
Benutec Network Mechanic v2.5
BlazingTools Instant Source v1.46
Blumentals iNet Protector v3.41
Connection Keeper 7.3
Contact Tracer 1.01
Data Doctor Website Monitor v2.0.1.5
DSL Speed 4.4
Flash Favorite v1.8
Flash Speed 200 v3.7
Free YouTube Uploader 2.121
Gizmo5 4.0.2 (v360) for Windows
Hide IP NG 1.09
Hot Potatoes v6.24
HTML to Image v2.0.2007.308
HTTP Analyzer Full Edition v3.22
HttpWatch Professional 5.2
HTTrack Website Copier 3.42-2
IE7pro - Final
Internet Business Promoter v9.6
Internet Lock v5.0.3
Invisble Browsing 6.5
IP Sniffer
Linkman v7.2.0.22
MetaProducts Offline Explorer Enterprise 5.0.2752
Micro-Sys A1 Keyword Research v1.0.8
Micro-Sys A1 Sitemap Generator v1.66
Micro-Sys A1 Website Analyzer v1.26
Micro-Sys A1 Website Download v1.31
Modem Booster 5.0
MozillaCacheView 1.06
NetworkSleuth 1.1.7
Radar Website Monitor v4.616
Rank Tracker 4.21
Sandboxie 3.26
save2pc Pro 3.31
Search Engine Composer v5.7
SiteLinkChecker 1.0
Snarfer 1.0.0
StorURL 2.5.98
Strip file101
Teleport Pro 1.54
UltraGet Video Downloader 2.0.3
URL Helper v2.92
URL Monitoring Tool 1.3
URLBase v6.1.0.1130 Pro
Web Data Extractor v7.0
Webcam and Screen Recorder v4.4
WebcamMax v4.2.5
WebShot 1.591
Website Submitter 2.2
WebSite-Watcher 4.34
WebVideoCap 1.25
Webwasher 3.4
YoutubeGet v4.4
ZbuSoft FLVDownload v1.0
Mail Tools
5 Star Mail Server v3.0
Advanced Emailer v4.2
Auto Mailer Professional v2.8
Becky! Internet Mail 2.47.00
CheckMail 5.01
Eudora - Final
Iconix eMail ID 3.55.29
IncrediMail Xe Premium 5.70 Build 3527
Koma-Mail 3.7
Kristanix Software Email Sender Deluxe v1.63
Mail Forward v5.1.1
Mail PassView 1.43
MaxBulk Mailer 5.6
Nesox Email Marketer Business 1.8
POP Peeper 3.2
Poppy 5.8.3
Reach-a-Mail Pro v3.5
S.Y.M.P.A v3.276
SmartPic v3.5
Ultrafunk Popcorn 1.84
YPOPs! 0.9.6
Network Tools
A1Monitor v7.02
Advanced HostMonitor 7.18
Antamedia Internet Caffe 5.2.11
Bandwidth Meter v5.2.0.0
Bandwidth Monitor v3.2
BitMeter 2 3.5.7
BlazingTools Secure Office v1.1.0.0 RC4
BWMeter v4.0
CafeSuite 3.39f
CCProxy 6.4.0
Cisco VPN Client v5.0.03
CyberCafePro v5.250L
EasyCafe 2.2.14
FastResolver 1.16
IPMonitor v6.0
Jitbit Network Sniffer v1.51
LanHelper v1.75
Mobile Net Switch v3.67
MultiNetwork Manager v9.0.0.1
Net Monitor for Employees Professional v3.65
Netconceal Anonymizer Shield
NetInfo 6.3
NetSetMan 2.42
Network Magic v4.1.7082.0
NetworkSleuth 1.1.7
Nsasoft ShareAlarmPro v2.0.2.0
Nsauditor Network Security Auditor 1.69
OnlineEye Pro v2.16
Passmark WirelessMon Pro v2.1
pcAnywhere v12.1
PortsLock 1.9
PowerFolder 3.01
Proxifier v2.7
RealVNC Enterprise v4.41
Shadow Security Scanner v7.111
SoftPerfect Network Scanner 3.7
SolarWinds Engineers Toolset v9.2
SolarWinds LANsurveyor Enterprise v10.0
Taltech TCP-Com v5.0
UltraVNC 1.0.4 RC6
USB to Ethernet Connector
WebcamXP PRO 2008 4.10.075
WWW File Share Pro v5.20
X-NetStat Professional v5.52
Windows Update Tools
DirectX 9.0c March 200
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