Friday, February 17, 2017

Proteus Design Suite Version 8 2 for Windows without Free Download

Proteus Design Suite Version 8 2 for Windows without Free Download

PopularSoftwareToday. - For you who usually using Proteus software as an electronic design software to create circuit, simulation, and PCB layout, now you can upgrade your Proteus software with latest version this is Proteus Design Suite Version 8.2.

Proteus Design Suite Version 8.2 Illustration

The Proteus 8.2 release expanded on Proteus V8.1 with a strong focus on library parts in both the schematic and the layout modules. Our other main development thrust was on documentation and report generation with the introduction of a new module in Project Notes and a major rework of the Bill of Materials module. On the Proteus VSM front, we have been working hard on the Arduino product as well as introducing support for new Atmel® Cortex™-M3, PIC16 and PIC18 processor variants.

In this time we will give you global information about Proteus Design Suite Version 8.2 and we so sorry cannot give you link to take Free Download Proteus Design Suite Version 8.2 from internal or external server.


Proteus 8.2 is the latest release of the Proteus Design Suite CAD Software. It includes:
  1. A completely new application module for Project Notes. This serves as the documentation centre for your work and is fully templated for re-use across projects.
  2. Major rework of the Bill of Materials report module to support Project Notes, physical layout configuration and dialogue driven style management.
  3. New import tools for Library parts via BSDL for schematic components and PADS ASCII for PCB footprints. Fully compatible with the PCB Library Expert tool
  4. Introduction of a new family with support for ARM® Cortex™-M0 variants from NXP.
  5. Addition of over 35 pre-supplied schematic clips for popular Arduino™ shields and breakout boards.
And now you can read more about "Whats New in Proteus Design Suite 8.2" completely using link here.

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