Monday, February 20, 2017
Purisrar Haqaiq a book of Islamic tratments PDF
Purisrar Haqaiq a book of Islamic tratments PDF
Today we are going to share the download link of the Urdu book Purisrar Haqaiq. Its English translation is Mysterious Facts. This book is published by Darussalam Publishers under the supervision of Mr. Abdul Maalik Mujahid. It is a very informative and useful book. This book describes the treatment methods of different diseases, especially psychological problems in the light of holy Quran and Hadith. There are a majority of the people are very simple and innocent. When they have some psychological problem they immediately go to the fake spiritual therapists. These fraud people earn huge money by fooling innocent people. This book Purisrar Haqaiq guides people how they can treat their mental or psychological diseases with the help of the holy Quran and Hadith.
You can download this book online in PDF format. There are 168 pages in the hard copy of this book. The PDF file consists of 173 pages. The size of the PDF file is 3.33MB.
Sample pages of the Urdu book Purisrar Haqaiq

Download link of Purisrar haqaiq
Click on the given link below to download this Urdu book.Download
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