Wednesday, February 22, 2017
Prohack Advertising Rates Slashed – Reach to a wider audience !!!
Prohack Advertising Rates Slashed – Reach to a wider audience !!!
Prohack, your favorite technology blog has expanded a lot in quite a short span of time and is celebrating in unison its ascent with you guys :) Prohack is all ears to advertising of relevant technology websites and has slashed its advertising rates to give you a bigger scoop of benefits. Currently, Prohack supports advertising in following formats and all prices are negotiable in nature -
- Top Slot - The top slot catches everybodys eye and always remains at the apex at rock bottom cost.The top slot to the right of header (ad size - 468 X 60 Full Banner, No Flash) for 33$ per month, 15$per week , 165$ per year (less than 14$ per month!!!) and 320$ for 2 years (less than 14$ per month !!!)
- Repeating Slot - Gives you the maximum exposure on Prohack, this is the most recommended ad slot on Prohack,the slot is available after each post (both in random and expanded view,ad size - 468 X 60, No Flash) 35$ per month,20$ per week,170$ per year ( ~about 14$ per month !! ) and 335$ (less than 14$ per month !! ) for 2 years.
- Sidebar Slot- This is where you have ample opportunity to drive your visitors :) 30$ per month (Nofollow),33$ for dofollow, 135$ per year ( about 12$ per month !!!).
- Text Links on sidebar - 20$ per month (Nofollow),23$ for dofollow, 150$ per year (less than 13$ per month). Dofollow link Prices 160$ per year (less than 14$ per month) .
- Twitter tweets - 10$ for 3 tweets in 1 month.Bonus : add Facebook rants for 20$ per month for 3 twitter tweets and 3 facebook rants !!
- Article Text links - Text link " Dofollow "Ads will be included in the starting,mid or bottom of a relevant article,as the article will not be deleted except in exceptional circumstances,those links will be yours forever and will improve your Google rankings. Only one ad per article is allowed and costs 20$ per article with few words to define your self. For eg -
Build your links with the best on the web. Visit XYZ.COM
- Article advertising - I will be writing an 800-1000 word article about your website/company/enterprise which will include exclusive advertising.The featured article will be for visible for a period of 2 weeks to 1 month on the website front page providing ample view for readers to feed out on your offerings. The gives your review maximum exposure to PROHACK readers. I will be permitting 1 image for a logo and at max 2 images for your agenda. You have to provide me the main theme and the dos and donts for your firm/enterprise/company/website. 50$ per article is the standard price.
Payments must be done Via PAYPAL in advance, plus, if you have competitors, as an added extra bonus on subscribing the yearly scheme of advertising, we will remove 2 of your competitor websites from our Google Adsense and block them off, so you can enjoy full attention of our followers :)
You are free to choose your advertising scheme and negotiate accordingly.
So ?!! What are you waiting for ? Speak to your audience :) you can contact me at admin[at]
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