Monday, February 13, 2017

paper li easily create online newspaper great for schools and projects

paper li easily create online newspaper great for schools and projects

PaperLi is a free site that allows you to create an online "newspaper". You can set it to automatically collect, organize and publish content from the web, or manually create you paper. You choose online content around a specific theme, then place it into the online “newspaper,” displaying individual items as stories. The newspaper then gets its own unique link which can be shared with others.

The site can collect information from over 140 million websites. This blog has shown up on some peoples Papers too.

Easy to use:

  1. Select your sources by source or topic
  2. Customize the sources and layout
  3. Publish and share could be used for classroom/school/district newsletters, classroom projects and much more.

Heres a video about it:


Go to link Download