Monday, December 5, 2016
Quran in Urdu Translation free download pdf
Quran in Urdu Translation free download pdf
Assalam O Alaikum to all! Quran in Urdu translation is my first post of this blog. I am feeling happy to share the download link of the most respected book of the Universe. There is no doubt that the holy Quran is the most read book in the world. This is very important for me to start this blog by sharing the download link of the holy Quran in Urdu translation.

Quran in Urdu translation is a gift from Shah Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz
To complete the advice of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), Shah Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz Aal Saud has ordered to publish the holy Quran in all languages of the world and spread it for free to the world. Being a Muslim it is our duty to spread the holy Quran in all over the world. Because the advice of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) is more important than any other thing.Some details of the copy of Quran in Urdu translation
The translation of the copy has been done by Maulana Muhammad JunaGarhi, whereas Maulana Salah Ud Din Yousuf has done the tafseer and explanation work. Doctor Wasi ULLAH bin Muhammad Abbas and Doctor Akhtar Jamal Luqman has also checked it for any correction.
This copy of the holy Quran is in PDF format. For download purpose it has been zipped. The size of the zip file is 324 MB. After download, when you unzip the file its size will be 336 MB.
To download in PDF format, click the button below or Quran in Urdu translation

In the end, I request you to share this post, or download link of Quran in Urdu translation with your friends because if you are a Muslim then it is your duty.
Go to link Download