Tuesday, December 13, 2016
Project Time Management
Project Time Management
Project Time Management | Effective Project Management Training
It is important to take a big picture view,
so that you can:
Free MORE time doing whats important
Spend LESS time dealing with Time Wasters
Increase positive impact on stress reduction
Which is why its such a shame that most people fail to realise that
Managing your time
easier than you think
Increasing your effective
use of time can be done
with 100% confidence
Good Time Management will
of your project
James Leal,
Certificated Project Manager
(CPM). "Learn Why Proficient Proficient Project Managers are experts at managing their time!".
Find Out Now
James Leal, Author of "Project Time Management"
to Project Time Management, I am very pleased that you are here, as this is an
step towards
stimulating and training
your personal
business success
Our workbook covers how to you get organised, take control of your time and get things done.
Most certainly saving
you time, money and
heart ache.
Heres why so many people used Project Time Management and how it has help them be more productive and effective...
We need to review the way we allocate time to all parts of our life, make sure we have a healthy balance and spend more time on the things that are important to us.
Thats why we address the following topics in our Project Time Management Workbook:
Getting Your Life Organised
Help you organize everything that you need to do. Youll feel less stress and overwhelmed because youre more organized and youve taken control of your time, rather than letting time control you.
Prioritising Your Daily Activities
Learn how to decide which order you do deliver your tasks, spend your time on the right activities.
Delivering Multiple Projects Without Becoming Overwhelmed
Learn to FOCUS on your most important tasks, the ones that will make a real difference, and get them done!
Planning Your Weeks & Days For Maximum Productivity
Start each day knowing exactly what need to be done and when it needs to be done and you will know where and how to get started.
Balance your important long-term projects with your pressing short-term tasks.
Using Project Templates To Save Time and Effort
Do you have recurring projects that always have the same set of documents (like a Business Case or Progress Reports)? Would you like to a comprehensive set available to use that will allow you to write these easy and quickly?
Project Time Management provides a special discount for 115 Project Management Templates so you can quickly and easily create new document for all your projects.
Becoming More Focused and Productive While You Work
When you stay focused on whats most important instead of wasting your time with trivia or non-urgent, youll get to the end of the day having accomplished all that you need to get done!
Planning Your Work
Planning helps you to get the right things done because you are planning your work and then working your plan.
By downloading our Project Time Management you will be able to review the way you allocate time to all parts of your life. Each of our workbook includes; workable examples, handouts, hot & tips that will help you started quickly.
"Superbly done, comes with excellent hints & tips"
I have an extremely demanding diary and needed to cope with a multitude of tasks, projects and appointments whilst at the same time keeping by priorities focused on whats important. The Project Time Management workbook, gave me the simple steps that allowed me to make this happen.
--John Robinson - California, US
"Great workbook! Thank You! "
Just want you to know that Ive that Project Time Management gas really helped me get my working day under control. This product is what just what I needed Thank you...
--Tim Jonas - Liverpool, UK
Ultimately, time management comes down to choices. Good choices lead to better results, while poor choices lead to wasted time and energy.
The good news is that time management skills can be learned and mastered by anyone. All it takes is practice and dedication.
Like any other skill, you can learn time management the easy way or you can learn it the hard way.
The hard way usually involves years of trial and error and lots of false starts trying to figure out what works and what doesnt.
If youd like to save yourself some time, effort and heart ache, then I recommend trying the easy way: learn from someone who has already done it.
Time Management Workbook
Project Time Management workbook is straightforward, easy to follow, step by step guide that will help you change the way you use your time.
This has been
written by experienced project management consultants
, who have drawn
upon years of experience
across a wide range of private and public organisations.
Project Time Management is:
Professionally laid out
Supporting handouts
Have workable exercises
Include hints & tips
Contain practical examples
Have all the diagrams and tables you need
Although Project Time Management is concentrating on how to manage your time at work, the ideas are also relevant to time outside work!
Inside look at Project Time Management
Thoughts about Time, Sample:
Lack of Objectives, Sample:
Mind Map, Sample
How should you be spending Your Time?, Sample
Project Time Management has help many project professionals around the world, to help their working day get back on track.
Within minutes you will be able to use these techniques to improve your working day and no-working day.
"I could never thank you enough..."
... for what you have done for my working life. You took me from a 48 hour working week at City Bank to a 37 hour working week within 3 months. It sure does feel good going to work knowing that Im going to get everything done. I owe you. Thanks
--Samuel Moretti
Project Manager, Milan
"I just had to write you and tell you that your package was unbelievable"
I have experienced lots of Project Management website opportunities and I can honestly say that I have never come close to the Project Template package you offered after my purchase of Project Time Managment. They are saving a LOT of time and making it easier for me to meet my deadlines. Thank You!!!
--Victor Wong
Principal Manager, "City Bank ", DC
"Time Management is just the helping hand that I needed."
Awesome! For once, a process that that really works! More time, become a happier person everyday and I love it. Yours truly.
--Carol Austin.
Office Manager, "Ministry of Defence", London
You will also receive our
free circular,
providing practical Project Management tips and hints.
We respect your email privacy
I hate spam! I wont share, show, rent, or sell your email address or information with any unauthorized third party, ever.
Project Time Management Topics
The Project Time Management Workbooks covers a host of topics that will help you on your way to a better and more manageable working life, free of unnecessary stress and unpredictable demands on your time.
Nature of time - time is scarce & irreplaceable
Thoughts about time - views on the best way to manage time
Time Wasters - obstacles in your path
Managing your boss - your working relationship with you manager
How should you be spending your time?
Prioritising - what to spend your time on
Managing yourself - what else do you need to do
"Project Time Management"
Youll get the Entire "Project Time Management Workbook
& Handouts " set, valued at $64, for only $27.
You can Download Today for
Only $21
PLUS Eight Supporting Handouts
In addition to the
Project Time Management Workbook
, we are also going to provide you will a
further eight supporting handouts
Action Plan
Time Log
Mind Map
Improving Your Memory
Colleague Interruptions
Time Prioritsing
Key Activity Form
15 Time Management Tips
I have a very simple promise to make to you. If "Project Time Management Workbook" is not everything Ive said it is, and if it doesnt for any reason they dont help you manage your time at work or at home, you can ask for a full and complete refund.
Youve got 60 days
to think about it, from the date your download. That should give you plenty of time to use and experience our project time management workbook.
I hope you think so, because Ive been told its more than fair.
If you honestly believe youre not benefiting, you should get your money back. It is as simple as that.
- James
Project Time Management Workable Exercises & Handouts
Start living a higher-quality of work and outside work life
and increase your personal and business success.
"Project Time Management"
Youll get the Entire
"Project Time Management Workbook & Handouts "
set, valued at $64, for only
Thats a savings of $37.
Plus, you get the
Project Management Templates Discount
with a Total Value of $64.00
You can Download Today for
Only $21
Your Project Time Management is one of the most important investments you will ever make. Its something that will help you every single day and it can make a dramatic difference in the results you produce, the stress you experience, and the quality of life you enjoy
Please, dont miss out on this opportunity.
To Your Happiness!
James Leal
Remember, if you dont like it, you get your money back. Just ask. And, Ill give you 30 days to make up your mind. Go ahead . . .
Order Now!
Its Risk Free!
You get some of the most valuable pieces of information that pass on to my
clients in this Project Time Management workbook. Give it a look.
All the risk is on me. Get it now
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