Monday, December 12, 2016
PappaPC Computer Home Business
PappaPC Computer Home Business
Computer Home Business $600 Per Day PappaPC
computer home business
opportunity. Not much skill required and make $100 per hour. Make $150K per year
computer home business
and $600 per day work from
home based business
opportunity or full time removing spyware and Virus from computer. Local
computer home business opportunity
remove spyware virus removal 60% commission computer affiliate program UK Australia.
Computer Home Business
You Will Make Money. We Guarantee It!
Order today and we will include the LinuxEZ guide for FREE! ($19.98 Value).
You can make up to $180 installing the safe and secure Linux operating system on customer computers! To learn more visit the
LinuxEZ Website
Tell us about your success! Keep the emails coming! We may post yours here!
"I purchased the PappaPC guide 2 years ago. I used info in your book to start my Computer Health home business. I have hired 2 employees and we just opened our Computer Health office in a strip mall. I grossed $220k last year. We dont give you all the credit as we worked hard to get where we are. Your book was a good place to start, as my computer knowledge was limited. I spent 20 years as a welder and I have never had this much fun making money. Please dont sell your guide to anyone in the Portsmouth area."
Harrold D.
"I was laid off from my 12 year job at Delphi. When unemployment was about ready to run out, I needed a job or home business fast. I purchased your guide and a $20 pay as you go cell phone from Wal-Mart. I ran the "Kill The Skum" ad in the Newspaper. In 3 weeks I was so busy, I was looking for help.
Mike K., Anderson IN.
Computer Dealer?
If you are a computer dealer or provide networking and repair services, you can add spyware & virus removal to your business. Once your customers know you provide this service, it will be your highest gross product. You may already know how to clean a computer of scumware, and that is fine and dandy. However your method using expensive commercial software most likely takes twice as long and doesnt clean as well. Plus you are working too hard! Buy the ebook, then add the service to your business. You will be glad you did.
Some good news
for those of you just now getting into this business. The MS Windows
operating system is still a real memory hog. This means it only takes a few viruses or spyware to really slow it down or kill it. Your customers will be calling you often (good repeat business!). Your business is only going to get better!
Windows 8 is released in "beta", so expect many years of problems and regular updates.
Spyware Top 20
1. BargainBuddy
2. Ezula
3. IBIS Toolbar
4. KaZaA
5. ISTbar
6. DivX Pro 5.1
7. 180Solutions
8. ImIServer IEPlugin
9. PeopleOnPage
10. BearShare
11. Internet Optimizer
12. DeskAd.Service
13. ISTbar.XXXToolbar
14. SearchRevelancy
15. DyFuCA
16. CWS.Feads
17. DownloadWare
18. MaxSpeed
19. Powerscan
20. My Search
Computer Repair Books!
Your Web Portal
No Banners. No Pop-ups. No Spam. Loads Fast. Just Awesome! Latest News, Sports, and more. Please check it out!
Ground Floor Opportunity!
Start this home business now!
Huge demand with almost no competition! Start
part-time with little or no out-of-pocket expense!
Cleaning Process Removes NSA & FBI Spyware Too!
You have the potential to make over
per year part-time, and
full time! You can hire others to do the work for you, and turn it into a mega business! This is not a scam business or get rich quick hype. This is a
business for those that are not afraid of some hard work. The kind of hard work that pays
$50 to $100*
per hour! If you are a lazy butt, this business is not for you.
Ready to join the upper class? Buy a nice house and
have all the fun toys? Are you willing to work for it?
No more $9 per hour bull.
Computer geeks can now make Physician
The demand for spyware and virus removal services is strong! A huge amount of computer call centers help request are spyware or virus related.
Over 50%
of ISP technical assistance calls are spyware and virus related.
It is estimated
that up to 95% of all Windows computers
online have data-mining, off-line advertising pop-ups, parasites, scumware, trojans, dialers, malware, browser hijackers, tracking components and viruses on them. The spyware and virus problems are
getting worse
instead of better. Locked-up computers are more common than ever! Over
225 million
computers are infected!
Scans of 1.5 million computers by Earthlink found an average of
28 spyware programs
on each computer. Some were harmless, but one in three computers contained
malicious software
, including ones that hijack home pages to porn sites, monitor keystrokes to collect personal data or redial Internet connections!
The spyware and virus problems are so bad, many people get fed up and purchase a new computer, or take their computer to a computer store only to have their
Windows operating system and Hard drive
replaced. Be a hero and really help people. They will pay you for it!
Malicious sites increase 240% in 2012 -
New Malware Increases by 26 Percent - PandaLabs reports.
Recession Proof Business!
During past recessions, the service industry had a business boom. During bad times, the home computer will be the last thing to go!
The demand is out there! What are you waiting for?
Over 97% of home business opportunities are scams. This is a
real home business.
You will be under-cutting the superstores and overpriced computer dealers. With their overhead, they cant compete with you! There is more demand than you can handle. Keep busy and make six figures!
Only basic computer skills are needed!
The software does most of the work! If you know how to set up an internet connection on your computer, and access the add/remove programs in the control panel,
you can do it!
You may already have some experience removing scum and viruses from your personal computer. Some business sense is also helpful. There is an element of risk in starting any business. Eliminating that risk through knowledge and planning will help with your success*.
This guide explains the tools and methods that are used in a real ongoing and profitable business. Many years of trial and error has produced a method of cleaning a computer of spyware and viruses that cant be beat! Our method is the fastest and our method is the absolute best! There is no commercial software you can buy that does the same job!
The techs for a major electronics store chain are using our 10 step virus & spyware cleaning procedure. They call it the "Pappa method". If it works for them, it will work for you!
If you started a new job, it could be two or three weeks before you get a paycheck. If you start this business right now and advertise on your local Craigslist (free), you could be getting paychecks this week!
"Spyware & Virus Removal Business"
guide will help you with the tools needed to make the business fly. Just add enthusiasm! This ebook can be downloaded in minutes! Dont wait. Get started today.
Start part time with little or no out of pocket expense!
Ten simple steps to cleaning a computer fast!
Cleaning Process Removes NSA & FBI Spyware Too!
How to get free advertising that works.
Ideas for newspaper display advertising
Get good spyware & virus cleaning software for free!
Who is your worthy competition. Should you worry?
What software to avoid. Some are worse than a virus!
Know where to look in the computer to find sneeky malware.
How to get rid of home page hijackers and keyloggers.
Learn how to unlock a frozen computer & gain access
Two easy tricks to make a computer much faster
A little tip to make sure you always get paid. Important!
Included. A work order form to protect you from claims
What price to charge for services offered.
Tips to help insure repeat customer business
Too busy? Contract with others to do the work for you
The best time to raise your prices
The computer services to avoid offering. Profit killers!
A real plan to grow the business.
Set up commercial accounts with service agreements.
If you think you can figure out how to start this business without the help of the
Spyware & Virus Removal Business
guide, you are in for some big surprises! It could take you up to four hours to clean a computer without the help of this ebook! You could end up doing twice the work for half the money and get stiffed by customers. The ebook is cheap. Save yourself some pain.
Download the
Spyware & Virus Removal Business
guide today!
If you download this guide, and not start a home business, it is still worth the money! Use the included tips and tricks to keep your personal computer clean. For the same price as a big name Antivirus program, you can keep your computer much cleaner using info in this eBook!
Requirements: Windows 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP, Vista, 7, and 8. This is a PDF version of the Spyware & Virus Removal Business ebook you can also view with Linux and Mac.
News! Revision 6 is out now!
Instant Download In a single ZIP file: (1.7mb)
Spyware & Virus Removal Business ebook .pdf
Linux EZ Guide .pdf - included free! ($19.98 Value)
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Zero risk for you! If this guide is not what you get all of your money back. If after 59 days, you find this business is not for get all of your money back. You are taking zero risk! Try it!
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PappaPC is Ranked #3 on Top 25 Home Biz Opportunities!
NEWS! You can now buy just the tips!
Some of you have no plans to start a business. You may already be in business and just need the virus and spyware removal tips. The PappaPC spyware & virus removal method is the new industry standard for cleaning malware. This ebook is easy to follow and is written for the average geek.
Get the tips for only $21.98.
You can
learn more here.
For Customer Service, Email
PappaPC Copyright 2005-2013 All rights reserved
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As with any home business endeavor, there is an inherent risk of loss of capital and there is no guarantee that you will earn any money. You hereby acknowledge that any reliance upon any materials shall be at your own risk. We make every effort to ensure that we accurately represent the potential for income generation. Any earning and income representations made by our website and ebook are
estimates of what we think you can possibly earn
. There is no guarantee that you will make these levels of income and you accept the risk that earnings and income differ by individual. As with any home business, your results may vary, and will be based on your individual capacity, business experience, expertise, and level of desire. There are no guarantees concerning the level of success you may experience. Any income examples used are individual results, which do not apply to the average purchaser, and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individuals success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation. There is no assurance that examples of past earnings can be duplicated in the future. We cannot guarantee your future results and/or success. There are some unknown risks in business and on the Internet that we cannot foresee which can reduce results. We are not responsible for your actions. The use of our information, products and services should be based on your own due diligence and you agree that our company is not liable for any success or failure of your home based business that is directly or indirectly related to the purchase and use of our information, products and services.
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