Sunday, April 30, 2017
Pardah By Syed Abul Ala Maududi
Pardah By Syed Abul Ala Maududi
Pardah Pdf Urdu Book By Syed Abul Ala Maududi
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Year: 2003| File Size: 2 MB | File Type: Pdf | Pages: 311 | Category: Islamic |
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Saturday, April 29, 2017
Pruning the power grid
Pruning the power grid
New algorithm quickly identifies the most dangerous risks in a power grid amid millions or billions of possible failures.
Each summer, power grids are pushed to their limits, as homes and offices crank up the air conditioning in response to rising temperatures. A single failure in the system such as a downed power line or a tripped relay can cause power outages throughout a neighborhood or across entire towns.

For the most part, though, a failure in one part of the grid wont bring down the entire network. But in some cases, two or more seemingly small failures that occur simultaneously can ripple through a power system, causing major blackouts over a vast region. Such was the case on Aug. 14, 2003, when 50 million customers lost power in the northeastern United States and Ontario the largest blackout in North American history. Even more recently, in July 2012, India experienced the largest power outage ever, as 700 million people nearly 10 percent of the worlds population went without power as a result of an initial tripped line and a relay problem.
To help prevent smaller incidents from snowballing into massive power failures, researchers at MIT have devised an algorithm that identifies the most dangerous pairs of failures among the millions of possible failures in a power grid. The algorithm prunes all the possible combinations down to the pairs most likely to cause widespread damage.
The researchers tested their algorithm on data from a mid-sized power grid model consisting of 3,000 components (in which there are up to 10 million potential pairs of failures). Within 10 minutes, the algorithm quickly weeded out 99 percent of failures, deeming them relatively safe. The remaining 1 percent represented pairs of failures that would likely cascade into large blackouts if left unchecked.
The speed with which the researchers algorithm works is unmatched by similar existing alternatives, according to one of its co-developers, Konstantin Turitsyn, the Esther and Harold E. Edgerton Assistant Professor in MITs Department of Mechanical Engineering.
We have this very significant acceleration in the computing time of the process, Turitsyn says. This algorithm can be used to update what are the events in real time that are the most dangerous.
Turitsyn and graduate student Petr Kaplunovich will present their work, supported by the MIT Skoltech Initiative, in a paper at the IEEE Power and Energy Society Meeting in July.
A zero missing rate :
In power systems lingo, a pair of failures is referred to as an N minus 2 contingency N being the number of components in a system, and 2, the number of failures in a power grid at any given moment. In recent years, researchers have been developing algorithms to predict the most dangerous N-minus-2 contingencies in an electric grid. But while such algorithms successfully identify dangerous pairs of failures, Turitsyn says that most of them dont guarantee that these pairs are the only failures of concern. In other words, there may be failures that these algorithms missed.
They dont provide guarantees that the ones you assume to be safe are really safe, Turitsyn says. If you want to have some guarantees that the system is safe, you want the system to rely on algorithms that have zero missing rates.
Taking this angle of approach, Turitsyn and Kaplunovich developed an algorithm to comb through all possible pairs of component failures in a power grid (for example, a downed transmission line, or a generator short-circuit), weeding out failures that dont result in any overloads and are unlikely to cause widespread damage, and certifying them as safe. The pairs that are left can be flagged as potentially dangerous.
On a qualitative level, the algorithm essentially identifies spheres of influence around a power failure. While every part of a grid responds in some way to a single failure, the intensity of the response centers on a few grid components, and may only be felt locally, within a single neighborhood, or local region. If two failures are relatively close, spheres of influence can overlap, intensifying the response and increasing the likelihood of a catastrophic cascade.
The algorithm essentially identifies all the pairs of failures that are separated by a reasonable distance where their effects would not overlap; the algorithm then certifies these pairs as safe.
The pairs that overlap in their local effects, however, are classified as potentially dangerous.
Reinforcing the weakest links :
To test the algorithm, the researchers worked with data from the power grid of Poland the largest grid of any power system where its data is publicly available. The countrys electric grid consists of 3,000 components, making up nearly 10 million potential pairs of failures. In 10 minutes of regular laptop computations, the algorithm trimmed those pairs down to 5,000 that were of potential concern.
Turitsyn says grid operators may use such information to modernize the system and reinforce the weakest links, designing sensors and communication technologies to improve system reliability and security. If two failures deemed to be dangerous do in fact occur, operators can shed the load in nearby regions or, for example, temporarily reduce the use of air conditioners, to provide some relief to the system and prevent a cascade of failures.
Understanding how vulnerabilities in a power grid arise is an intricate problem, says Daniel Bienstock, a professor of industrial engineering and operations research at Columbia University. Algorithms such as Turitsyns, he says, are needed to help predict and prevent power failure cascades.
This algorithm, if massively deployed, could be used to anticipate events like the 2003 blackout by systematically discovering weaknesses in the power grid, Bienstock says. This is something that the power industry tries to do, but it is important to deploy truly agnostic algorithms that have strong fundamentals.
In the future, Turitsyn plans to test the algorithm on large-scale system models, such as the power grid that supplies the northeastern United States, a system that consists of more than 100,000 components up to five billion potential pairs of failures.
The number of ways in which a grid can fail is really enormous, Turitsyn says. To understand the risks in the system, you have to have some understanding of what happens during a huge amount of different scenarios."
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Panduan Dasar Pengenalan Codeigniter
Panduan Dasar Pengenalan Codeigniter
Panduan Dasar Pengenalan Codeigniter - CodeIgniter adalah aplikasi open source yang berupa framework dengan model MVC (Model, View, Controller) untuk membangun website dinamis dengan menggunakan PHP.
CodeIgniter memudahkan developer untuk membuat aplikasi web dengan cepat dan mudah dibandingkan dengan membuatnya dari awal. CodeIgniter dirilis pertama kali pada 28 Februari 2006. Versi stabil terakhir adalah versi 2.1.3.
Framework secara sederhana dapat diartikan kumpulan dari fungsi-fungsi / prosedur-prosedur dan class-class untuk tujuan tertentu yang sudah siap digunakan sehingga bisa lebih mempermudah dan mempercepat pekerjaan seorang programer, tanpa harus membuat fungsi atau class dari awal.
Ada beberapa alasan mengapa menggunakan Framework:
- Mempercepat dan mempermudah pembangunan sebuah aplikasi web.
- Relatif memudahkan dalam proses maintenance karena sudah ada pola tertentu dalam sebuah framework (dengan syarat programmer mengikuti pola standar yang ada)
- Umumnya framework menyediakan fasilitas-fasilitas yang umum dipakai sehingga kita tidak perlu membangun dari awal (misalnya validasi, ORM, pagination, multiple database, scaffolding, pengaturan session, error handling, dll
- Lebih bebas dalam pengembangan jika dibandingkan CMS
Design Patern: MVC (Model, View, Controller)
Model View Controller merupakan suatu konsep yang cukup populer dalam pembangunan aplikasi web, berawal pada bahasa pemrograman Small Talk, MVC memisahkan pengembangan aplikasi berdasarkan komponen utama yang membangun sebuah aplikasi seperti manipulasi data, user interface, dan bagian yang menjadi kontrol aplikasi. Terdapat 3 jenis komponen yang membangun suatu MVC pattern dalam suatu aplikasi yaitu :
1. View, merupakan bagian yang menangani presentation logic. Pada suatu aplikasi web bagian ini biasanya berupa file template HTML, yang diatur oleh controller. View berfungsi untuk menerima dan merepresentasikan data kepada user. Bagian ini tidak memiliki akses langsung terhadap bagian model.
2. Model, biasanya berhubungan langsung dengan database untuk memanipulasi data (insert, update, delete, search), menangani validasi dari bagian controller, namun tidak dapat berhubungan langsung dengan bagian view.
3. Controller, merupakan bagian yang mengatur hubungan antara bagian model dan bagian view, controller berfungsi untuk menerima request dan data dari user kemudian menentukan apa yang akan diproses oleh aplikasi.
Dengan menggunakan prinsip MVC suatu aplikasi dapat dikembangkan sesuai dengan kemampuan developernya, yaitu programmer yang menangani bagian model dan controller, sedangkan designer yang menangani bagian view, sehingga penggunaan arsitektur MVC dapat meningkatkan maintanability dan organisasi kode. Walaupun demikian dibutuhkan komunikasi yang baik antara programmer dan designer dalam menangani variabel-variabel yang akan ditampilkan.
Beberapa kelebihan CodeIgniter (CI) dibandingkan dengan Framework PHP lain:
Performa sangat cepat : salah satu alasan tidak menggunakan framework adalah karena eksekusinya yang lebih lambat daripada PHP from the scracth, tapi Codeigniter sangat cepat bahkan mungkin bisa dibilang codeigniter merupakan framework yang paling cepat dibanding framework yang lain.
Konfigurasi yang sangat minim (nearly zero configuration) : tentu saja untuk menyesuaikan dengan database dan keleluasaan routing tetap diizinkan melakukan konfigurasi dengan mengubah beberapa file konfigurasi seperti database.php atau autoload.php, namun untuk menggunakan codeigniter dengan setting standard, anda hanya perlu merubah sedikit saja file pada folder config.
Banyak komunitas: dengan banyaknya komunitas CI ini, memudahkan kita untuk berinteraksi dengan yang lain, baik itu bertanya atau teknologi terbaru.
Dokumentasi yang sangat lengkap : Setiap paket instalasi codeigniter sudah disertai user guide yang sangat bagus dan lengkap untuk dijadikan permulaan, bahasanya pun mudah dipahami. Dan banyak lagi yang lainnya.
Berikut penulis mencoba beberapa langkah dan trik dasar menyiapkan folder kerja dan menggunakan framework Codeigniter (CI). Dalam contoh ini saya menggunakan web server XAMPP. Untuk informasi dan download xampp dapat dilihat di sini.
1. Download Codeignter
Codeigniter dapat didownload secara gratis di sini.
2. Buat folder dalam htdocs
Buatlah lembar kerja / folder di htdocs misalnya dengan nama kiranaweb. Strukturnya seperti ini D:xampphtdocskiranaweb
3. Ekstrak berkas codeigniter dalam folder yang kamu buat
Letakkan file codeigniter yang telah kamu download di folder kiranaweb kemudian ekstrak
4. Mengatur folder berkas
Masukkan file berkas CI menjadi folder master dan siapkan berkas seperti di bawah ini :
Bagaimana, masih mau mengikuti Panduan Dasar Pengenalan Codeigniter singkat ini? Lanjut langsung ke beberapa hal lain yang bisa kita lakukan berikut ini.
5. Buat folder assets yang berisi file-file tambahan seperti javascript, css maupun image
6. Setting konfigurasi
Untuk konfigurasi awal kita buka file D:xampphtdocskiranawebapplicationconfigconfig.php. Kita dapat menggunakan editor notepad++.
Isikan base_url dengan alamat [localhost kita] / [folder kerja yang kita buat]
$config[base_url] = ;
$config[base_url] = http://localhost/kiranaweb;
6. Uji coba
Lakukan testing pada browser dengan alamat http://localhost/kiranaweb
Semoga sedikit pembahasan mengenai Panduan Dasar Pengenalan Codeigniter dapat bermanfaat bagi yang membutuhkan. Jangan lupa pelajari juga beberapa panduan lain di bagian bawah.
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English | PC | Developer: | 1.05 GB
Genre: Sports
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and more things I forgot ...
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* To use the patch does not need PESEdit.Patch 3.4.
* If you have installed PESEdit.Patch 3.4, you can bet on it, and both the patch will work fine.
* In other pre-patch, this patch will not work correctly.
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Friday, April 28, 2017
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