Saturday, November 12, 2016
Pic of the day Green Gray Red
Pic of the day Green Gray Red

My grandson and I enjoyed watching the sandhill crane couple walking by this morning in my yard. Usually they are around almost daily, but I hadnt seen them since a couple days before Christmas - I must have a couple hundred photos of them already....but thought that this pic was especially nice with the gray of the trees, their feathers, the green foliage and their red heads...kinda Christmasy and all ;-)
Excerpt quoted from National Geographic
Sandhills are the most common of all the worlds cranes. A fossil from the Miocene Epoch, some ten million years ago, was found to be structurally the same as the modern sandhill crane. Today, these large birds are found predominately in North America. They range south to Mexico and Cuba, and as far west as Siberia.
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