Sunday, November 20, 2016
Rainbow birthday party
Rainbow birthday party
We celebrated Ellies 5th birthday party in rainbow style over the weekend! I had a lot of fun planning this party because there are so many fun ideas out there!
I can hardly believe that our little girl is now 5. While she clearly acts like a 5 year old, the time has gone so incredibly fast already. Everyone always says that it does, but I am beginning to understand just how true that statement is.
The cake was quite a challenge. I debated making it myself or ordering it. I ended up doing it with Brians help. It was our first time using fondant and we forgot an ingredient, so it cracked some. It wasnt perfect, but still very cute!
Rainbow Balloon archway
Im getting good use out of my new cricut machine
We made rainbow name bracelets
We did a balloon scavenger hunt. They had to pop the balloon and find the clue inside of it.
Running for clues
She got a 1D backpack! She was so excited! Can you tell?
We ended the party playing just dance to Disney songs. The kids were so cute!
Matching shirts. I made one for Ellie, then Emmie thought she needed one, too!
We had rainbow jello with our dinner
Tickets to the Taylor Swift concert! I think the new 5 year old had a great birthday!

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