Monday, October 31, 2016
PCBoost 4 8 1 2011 Efficiently manage the resources of your PC
PCBoost 4 8 1 2011 Efficiently manage the resources of your PC
PCBoost increases computer performance by allocating higher portions of CPU power to active applications and games. PCBoost is a revolutionary product which enhances processor intensive software to run at even faster speeds.
The applications interface is designed to be very easy to use, fully compliant with all versions of Microsoft Windows and compatible with most software. With PCBoost your computer should run faster than ever before.
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Price Ducati 2015 Coolest New Luxury
Price Ducati 2015 Coolest New Luxury
vPrice Ducati 2015 Coolest New Luxury
List Price Ducati 2015 In December, Ducati which is currently well known in the arena of race moto gp become one of the motorcycle manufacturers are well-known, ducati better known motor sport that is fast and powerful as Ducati itself more at designated for those who like to race. Ducati itself comes from Italy where the country is famous for the production of a variety of vehicles and in addition to racing events moto gp, Ducati also participated in various other racing events such as the superbike and supersport championship and has won many awards for the success of the riders. Ducati MotoGP event itself for the first time directly with the direct step on the gas when it won the championship in the stretcher by a driver named Casey Stoner and Valentino Rossi himself has also worked closely with motorcycle racing this Italian origin. Ducati was first established in 1926 by 3 Ducati brothers and centered in the city of bologna, Italy and is a subsidiary of Volkswagen.
In terms of sales, Ducati also quite successful where they became one of the motorcycle manufacturers who earn a very substantial and in 2008 alone recorded ducati earn revenue of 400 million dollars more and certainly has a lot of fans who buy a motorcycle because ducati itself has been targeted to various countries including the Asian region itself that will compete with motors origin of Japanese manufacturers like Honda and Yamaha. Which became the main force of Ducati ie engine technology used with type L-twin that many other motorcycle still using the system cylinder, using technology system which was introduced in 1970 yesterday made Ducati has a maximum speed and be faster than the still system uses a 4-cylinder engine even though in terms of cc same amount, it is because Ducati is more aerodinamic so that it can run faster.
Ducati itself is now producing many variants, which would certainly support this level of success in sales and of course the type of motor sport that is fast and modeled machine big cc up to 1000 cc more makes the price ducati relatively expensive, equivalent to the price of Japanese car generally reaching hundreds of millions of rupiah and of course only those who have more money that can buy this type of motorcycle ducati. But for those of you who would just want to see a glimpse of the prices offered or even no planning to buy a sport bike, here we summarize information about the prices of each type for you on the list price of the latest Ducati Motor Gede from cheapest to most expensive:

Price Ducati Moge Keren
Price Ducati MTS 1200 S Touring
Rp. 475 million
Price Ducati MTS 1200 Pikes Peak
Rp. 560 million
Price Ducati MTS 1200 Grand Tourismo
Rp. 545 million
Price Ducati Hypermotard 1100 Evo
Rp. 350,000,000
The price of the all-new Ducati Hypermotard 821
Rp. 330 million
The price of the all-new Ducati Hypermotard SP
Rp. 375,000,000
Price Ducati Hyperstrada
Rp. 350,000,000
The price of Motor Ducati Monster 795
Rp. 252 million
The price of Motor Ducati Monster 795 ABS
Rp. 270 million
Price Ducati Monster 1100 Evo ABS
Rp. 340,000,000
Price Ducati Monster 1100 Evo SP Diesel
Rp. 375,000,000
Price Ducati Streetfighter 848
Rp. 325 million
Price Ducati 848 Evo
Rp. 335 million
Price Ducati Panigale 1199 ABS
Rp. 440 million
Price Ducati 1199 Panigale S ABS
Rp. 495 million
Price Ducati 1199 Panigale Tricolore
Rp. 600,000,000
Price Ducati Diavel Base
Rp. 440 million
Price Ducati Diavel Chrome
Rp. 455 million
Price Ducati Diavel Carbon
Rp. 470 million
You may be a little surprised at Ducati Motor Price Latest update December 2015 on considering the high price because the price of the cheapest priced at 250 million up to the highest reaches 500 millions more. But for those of you who like the big motors and sport do not hurt you choose motorcycle ducati this as a personal vehicle you wherever you travel, such information on prices ducati moge cool the most powerful and hopefully can become a benchmark for you to compare with the price of other motor , See also other European motorcycle on the article price harley davidson motorcycles and motor price minerva.
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Platinum Sudoku 2 Gameloft Mobile Games
Platinum Sudoku 2 Gameloft Mobile Games
Platinum Sudoku 2 - The multi-award winning Platinum Sudoku returns with a 2nd opus: ideal for a daily Sudoku dose! Enjoy its infinite lifespan with 2,000,000 puzzles to solve. Beginners, let your coaches teach you how to play. Masters, train and improve with tips and 3 number-based mini-games. Monitor your progress with the daily performance chart! You hold all the essential options in the palm of your hand: 5 difficulty levels, Custom and Solver mode, automatic check, hints and more. No pen or paper anymore, just millions of new challenges to take up!

Game Features :
- Over 2,000,000 Sudoku grids, plus 3 innovative mini-games to tease your brain with numbers!
- Keep track of your progress thanks to the daily performance chart and rise in rank!
- 5 difficulty levels, including the Sudoku X mode, in which the diagonals come into play.
- All the essential options for Sudoku fans: Solver and Custom Modes, hints, number check and more.
- Extensive customization options: Choose among 6 fonts, 6 background skins, and 6 grid styles.
- 6 opponents to meet in 6 different locations all over the world: learn from the greatest masters!
128x128 : SE K,J,Z300 Eng
JAR | JAD [248 ??]
128x128 : SE K,J,Z300 Rus
JAR | JAD [254 ??]
130x130 : SIE C65,C72 Eng
JAR | JAD [139 ??]
128x160 : S40 2ed Rus
JAR | JAD [300 ??]
128x160 : S40 2ed Eng
JAR | JAD [131 ??]
128x160 : SE K310,K500,K510,W200,Z530 Eng
JAR | JAD [262 ??]
128x160 : SE K310,K320,K500,K510,W200,W300,Z530 Rus
JAR | JAD [262 ??]
132x176 : SIE x65-75 Eng
JAR | JAD [148 ??]
176x208 : S60 2ed Eng
JAR | JAD [280 ??]
176x208 : S60 2ed Rus
JAR | JAD [286 ??]
176x220 : SE K700,K750 Eng
JAR | JAD [280 ??]
176x220 : SE K700,K750 Rus
JAR | JAD [288 ??]
176x220 : SE K550,K610,W350,W610,Z710 Eng
JAR | JAD [563 ??]
176x220 : SE K550,K610,W350,W610,Z710 Rus
JAR | JAD [569 ??]
240x320 : S40 3ed Eng
JAR | JAD [909 ??]
240x320 : S40 3ed Rus
JAR | JAD [927 ??]
240x320 : S60 3ed Eng
JAR | JAD [566 ??]
240x320 : S60 3ed Eng
JAR | JAD [955 ??]
240x320 : SE K770,K800,S500,T650,W850 Eng
JAR | JAD [964 ??]
240x320 : SE K770,K790,K800,K810,W580,W850 Rus
JAR | JAD [968 ??]
320x240 : S60 3ed Eng
JAR | JAD [389 ??]
352x416 : S60 3ed Eng
JAR | JAD [282 ??]
360x640 : S60 3ed Eng
JAR | JAD [777 ??]
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Sunday, October 30, 2016
python pandas data analysis library quickstart introduction 1 read data pandas IO 2 database style merge inner join indexing on date time 3 write data
python pandas data analysis library quickstart introduction 1 read data pandas IO 2 database style merge inner join indexing on date time 3 write data
I discovered python pandas recently.
Using to read in ifconfig logs and add up total network traffic (VM network) across multiple hosts.
I needed to combine files from multiple hosts, sort values and combine by date and time.
I was sorting and parsing into python dicts.
I looked at perl PDL and other data manipulation libs.
But looks like python pandas wins because it combines VERY FLEXIBLE file IO with a lot of methods for selecting rows/columns and manipulating the data.
I made a simple test to make sure I knew how it all worked and described it here:
A flexible and general way of manipulating data is python pandas. Worth mentioning here as it really is the right tool for the job. Allows spreadsheet or database style merges/joins/concats on selected index rows or columns.
Two example files to illustrate how it works
$ cat File1
$ cat File2
Run python . . .
- Use pandas read_csv to slurp in files in pandas table structure. (read_csv is very clever and can read in many formats not just csv)
- Use pandas merge to do inner(intersection of indices) join, using date+time as indices (index list=[0,1]).
- Use pandas to_csv to write output.
$ python
>>> from pandas import merge, read_csv
>>> f1=read_csv("File1",header=None)
>>> f2=read_csv("File2",header=None)
>>> merged = merge(f1, f2, how=inner, left_on=[0,1], right_on=[0,1])
>>> merged.to_csv("Out", na_rep=0, index=False, header=False)
>>> [Ctrl-D]
Job done!
$ cat Out
Easy as 1, 2, 3.
1. read data (pandas IO)
2. database style merge (inner join indexing on date+time)
3. write data.
VERY clean, no messing. I really do love bash/grep/sed/awk also perl and python manipulating data in structures BUT right tool for the job makes the job much easier and gives much more potential for use of the data.
1. read_csv A bog-standard(plain, unadorned) read_csv("File1") treats first line as header names. So we use header=None.
>>> f1=read_csv("File1")
>>> f1
date0 time0 data01 data02 data03
0 date1 time1 data11 data12 data13
1 date2 time2 data21 data22 data23
2 date3 time3 data31 data32 data33
3 date4 time4 data41 data42 data43
4 date5 time5 data51 data52 data53
>>> f1=read_csv("File1",header=None)
>>> f1
0 1 2 3 4
0 date0 time0 data01 data02 data03
1 date1 time1 data11 data12 data13
2 date2 time2 data21 data22 data23
3 date3 time3 data31 data32 data33
4 date4 time4 data41 data42 data43
5 date5 time5 data51 data52 data53
>>> f2=read_csv("File2",header=None)
pandas DataFrame describe() gives a useful summary especially for big tables. For numeric data you also get total, max, min, mean, e.t.c.
>>> f1.describe()
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Portrait Painting
Portrait Painting

While much of my work is created or colored digitally, every once in awhile I dust off the old paint set and create something from start to finish by hand ;)....though in my head, I am constantly thinking: ctrl+z UNDO whenever I make a mistake, hehe. This a commissioned portrait I painted last summer.
Acrylic, measures 16 x 20 inches.
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Pesan Ballmer untuk Pimpinan Microsoft Tahun Depan
Playground survives Halloween Younger residents relieved
Playground survives Halloween Younger residents relieved
New playground in Leop Heights survived Halloween very well. We picked up loads of rubbish and drink cans and bottles and swept up broken glass today after the bonfire. Good healthy outdoor fun :)
Halloween 2009 and New Playground in Leopardstown Heights
As usual there was a bit of "fun" over the bonfire this year.
We stayed away again, Not pleasant atmosphere with alcohol and horizontal fireworks. Big teenage crowd, some other bonfires were not happening in the area so that probably swelled the crowd at our one.
Note to parents in Leopardstown and miles around: if your kid or teen is out unsupervised on Halloween theres a good bit of messing and alcohol around. That includes the days and evenings the whole week running up to Halloween. If you dont mind your kids indulging or ending up in hospital then its very inconsiderate of you inflicting them on the rest of us! Who buys the kids the bangers anyway!? They seem to have an endless supply. You know that after exploding the first one the only fun thing to do is to throw it at your friends and other people or put them in road diggers or skips to set them on fire!
Grr. I sound like a terrible grumpy-head!
Anyway today was nice. New playground still standing. One half is quite muddy though. There was loads of rubbish around. It looked really bad. Drink cans most obviously. We went out with the kids to playground and around and we brought rubbish bags. Picked up loads of cans and bottles and spent firework casings and general rubbish. Joined by 4 other people picking rubbish. The weather was v windy and a bit cold but dry. Very good day for picking rubbish. And we swept up broken glass from the paths and MUGA. Stiff and tired now. Bins stuffed full.
Note to non-residents of Ireland that the bonfires are still supposedly illegal of course like the fireworks that have been firing all week. :-P :) We even use helicopters now to spot fires from the air so as to stop the practice of burning waste on farms. Theyre illegal because Irish people (adults and kids) are so immature! Im normally in favour of not over-controlling what people are allowed to do and allowing kids to learn from experiance but when the neighbourhood and kids play space becomes uncomfortable and unsafe over an extended period it gets really annoying.
On our estate there is private waste-ground nearby and the council will not collect bonfire material from there. If they do come and collect it they quickly have a mini rioting hoarde of snotty upper-middle class kids indignant at their rights of having bonfires infringed upon. Immensely annoying. Also the week before Halloween handily co-incides with mid-term break from school so there is a good week free for the kids to collect vast amounts of rubbish and wood to burn.
On Saturday the kids started constructing the bonfire in the afternoon. Our house looks onto the Green so we can see what happens over in the distance. The Gardai came after a while - someone must have phoned them - and I guess they checked out the area, they seemed to stay for 20 mins or so and the crowds of kids engaged or ran away from them depending.
Our residents association after trying to control it the last few years decided to leave it this year. Not worth the hassle and not many residents supported any effort of limiting or supervising it the last few years. I had a much less stressful Halloween as a result :)
Interesting to note that supervisors of bonfires in Sandyford Hall and Dun Emer were contacted directly by Gardai and asked to desist. I dont know if stopping all the safer supervised bonfires and leaving the unsupervised ones is such a good idea? Hmm.
We need a website like with names and mugshots. ;) Its difficult talking with the kids who are not too bad but who are vandalizing or smashing bottles on the playground or causing other trouble when you dont know who youre talking with. I know a few of them and where they live but they all know who we are and where we live! ulp!
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Saturday, October 29, 2016
Prestasi Kejari Surabaya 2012 Terpuruk
Prestasi Kejari Surabaya 2012 Terpuruk
EXTREMMEPOINT.COM : - Selama kurun waktu 2012, Kejari (Kejaksaan Negeri) Surabaya kurang berprestasi. Minimnya pengusutan kasus korupsi berpengaruh sekali dalam hal mengupayakan pengembalian kerugian negara. 2012, tak seperser pun uang negara berhasil ditarik atau disita Kejaksaan berkantor di Jalan Raya Sukomanunggal itu dari para tersangka maupun terpidana korupsi. Menurut Kepala Kejari Surabaya M Dhofir mengatakan, Sampai saat ini belum ada uang negara perkara korupsi yang kami sita, katanya pada dengan ringannya. Selain uang yang dikorupsi, mantan Kajari Tanjung Perak Surabaya itu juga mengakui belum berhasil menarik uang dari putusan denda perkara pidana umum seperti perkara narkoba.Penyelamatan uang negara termasuk bagian utama penanganan kasus korupsi. Dia menambahkan, Itu sudah kami upayakan tapi belum berhasil, tambahnya sambil beralasan. Selain itu banyak pihak yang berperkara enggan membayar pengganti kerugian atau denda, tapi menggantinya dengan kurungan badan. Sebenarnya Kejaksaan memiliki wewenang untuk menyita uang negara dalam kasus korupsi sejak perkara mula disidik. Tapi itu tidak dilakukannya karena, menurut dia, para tersangka semuanya kooperatif. Berdasarkan perkiraan, dari pengusutan dua kasus korupsi yang kini ditangani Kejari Surabaya, yakni KORUPSI di satu bank dan SDN I Rangkah, sebenarnya ada sekitar Rp 19 miliar kerugian negara yang bisa disita. Ya harapan kita mereka mengembalikan, tutupnya. Catatan baik Kejari Surabaya dalam hal uang negara hanya terlihat pada kinerja seksi Datun (Perdata dan Tata Usaha Negara). Selama 2012, Datun berhasil memulihkan uang negara Rp 2,2 miliar. Uang yang dipulihkan itu adalah tunggakan Jamsostek wilayah Surabaya di tiga kantor cabang, yakni cabang Rungkut, Rajawali dan Darmo, yang berhasil ditagih. Tiga kantor cabang Jam
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Print My Fonts 1 5
Print My Fonts 1 5
Bilgisayar?n?zda yüklü olan tüm yaz? türlerini görüntüleyip ç?kt?s?n? alabilece?iniz ba?ar?l? bir yaz?l?m.Bilgisayar?n?zda yüklü olan tüm yaz? türlerini görüntüleyip ç?kt?s?n? alabilece?iniz ba?ar?l? bir yaz?l?m. Print My Fonts, yaz? i?leri ile u?ra??p sürekli farkl? yaz? tiplerine ihtiyaç duyarak bilgisayar?na indiren kullan?c?lar?n oldukça
Print My Fonts 1.5: Print My Fonts 1.5
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Play and Free Download Crusade and Record Walkthrough Videos Angry Birds Likely Game
Play and Free Download Crusade and Record Walkthrough Videos Angry Birds Likely Game
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Crusade is a physics-based puzzle game in the same style as Angry Birds, except this time youre an angry mob with a cannon which you must fire at the invading monsters. Dazzling graphics alone make this game worth checking out.
Physics "Break castle" game! Clear Europe from the invasion of monsters... Beautiful graphycs. Many cannon types, enemys, achievents, elements for build own levels ... and others!
Use your mouse to shoot.
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Play and Free Download "Crusade"
Its easy to free download any flash games from webpage under the help of Free Flash Game Downloader. You can play downloaded flash games offline on your computer with swf players. At the same time, sharing your walkthrough videos on youtube with other players also can be done.
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Referensi Alat Ukur Elektronika Beserta fungsinya
Referensi Alat Ukur Elektronika Beserta fungsinya
Dalam disiplin ilmu elektronika ada berbagai macam besaran dan satuan yang digunakan. Hal tersebut dapat diukur menggunakan Macam-macam alat ukur elektronika. Berikut adalah macam - macam alat ukur elektronika:
1. Untuk Mengukur Tegangan Listrik ( Volt Meter )
Voltmeter adalah alat/perkakas untuk mengukur besar tegangan listrik dalam suatu rangkaian listrik. Voltmeter disusun secara paralel terhadap letak komponen yang diukur dalam rangkaian. Alat ini terdiri dari tiga buah lempengan tembaga yang terpasang pada sebuah bakelite yang dirangkai dalam sebuah tabung kaca atau plastik. Lempengan luar berperan sebagai anode sedangkan yang di tengah sebagai katode. Umumnya tabung tersebut berukuran 15 x 10cm (tinggi x diameter).

2. Untuk Mengukur Arus Listrik ( Ampere Meter )
Amperemeter adalah alat yang digunakan untuk mengukur kuat arus listrik yang ada dalam rangkaian tertutup. Amperemeter biasanya dipasang berderet dengan elemen listrik atau dipasang seri. Cara menggunakannya adalah dengan menyisipkan amperemeter secara langsung ke rangkaian.

3. Untuk Mengukur Hambatan Listrik ( Ohm Meter )
Ohm-meter adalah alat pengukur hambatan listrik, yaitu daya untuk menahan mengalirnya arus listrik dalam suatu konduktor. Besarnya satuan hambatan yang diukur oleh alat ini dinyatakan dalam ohm. Alat ohm-meter ini menggunakan galvanometer untuk mengukur besarnya arus listrik yang lewat pada suatu hambatan listrik (R), yang kemudian dikalibrasikan ke satuan ohm.
Desain asli dari ohmmeter menyediakan baterai kecil untuk menahan arus listrik. Ini menggunakan galvanometer untuk mengukur arus listrik melalui hambatan. Skala dari galvanometer ditandai pada ohm, karena voltase tetap dari baterai memastikan bahwa hambatan menurun, arus yang melalui meter akan meningkat. Ohmmeter dari sirkui itu sendiri, oleh karena itu mereka tidak dapat digunakan tanpa sirkuit yang terakit.
Tipe yang lebih akurat dari ohmmeter memiliki sirkuit elektronik yang melewati arus constant (I) melalui hambatan, dan sirkuti lainnya yang mengukur voltase (V) melalui hambatan. Menurut persamaan berikut, yang berasal dari hukum Ohm, nilai dari hambatan (R) dapat ditulis dengan:
R = V / I
V menyatakan potensial listrik (voltase/tegangan) dan I menyatakan besarnya arus listrik yang mengalir.
Untuk pengukuran tingkat tinggi tipe meteran yang ada di atas sangat tidak memadai. Ini karena pembacaan meteran adalah jumlah dari hambatan pengukuran timah, hambatan kontak dan hambatannya diukur. Untuk mengurangi efek ini, ohmmeter yang teliti untuk mengukur voltase melalui resistor. Dengan tipe dari meteran ini, setiap arus voltase turun dikarenakan hambatan dari gulungan pertama dari timah dan hubungan hambatan mereka diabaikan oleh meteran. Teknik pengukuran empat terminal ini dinamakan pengukuran Kelvin, setelah metode William Thomson, yang menemukan Jembatan Kelvin pada tahun 1861 untuk mengukur hambatan yang sangat rendah. Metode empat terminal ini dapat juga digunakan untuk melakukan pengukuran akurat dari hambatan tingkat rendah.

4. Untuk Mengukur Tegangan, Arus, dan Hambatan Listrik ( Multimater )
Multimeter atau multitester adalah alat pengukur listrik yang sering dikenal sebagai VOM (Volt-Ohm meter) yang dapat mengukur tegangan (voltmeter), hambatan (ohm-meter), maupun arus (amperemeter). Ada dua kategori multimeter: multimeter digital atau DMM (digital multi-meter)(untuk yang baru dan lebih akurat hasil pengukurannya), dan multimeter analog. Masing-masing kategori dapat mengukur listrik AC, maupun listrik DC.

Sebuah multimeter merupakan perangkat genggam yang berguna untuk menemukan kesalahan dan pekerjaan lapangan, maupun perangkat yang dapat mengukur dengan derajat ketepatan yang sangat tinggi.

5. Untuk Mengukur Gelombang Listrik ( Osciloscope )
Osiloskop adalah alat ukur elektronika yang berfungsi memproyeksikan bentuk sinyal listrik agar dapat dilihat dan dipelajari. Osiloskop dilengkapi dengan tabung sinar katode. Peranti pemancar elektron memproyeksikan sorotan elektron ke layar tabung sinar katode. Sorotan elektron membekas pada layar. Suatu rangkaian khusus dalam osiloskop menyebabkan sorotan bergerak berulang-ulang dari kiri ke kanan. Pengulangan ini menyebabkan bentuk sinyal kontinyu sehingga dapat dipelajari.

Osiloskop biasanya digunakan untuk mengamati bentuk gelombang yang tepat dari sinyal listrik. Selain amplitudo sinyal, osiloskop dapat menunjukkan distorsi, waktu antara dua peristiwa (seperti lebar pulsa, periode, atau waktu naik) dan waktu relatif dari dua sinyal terkait.
Semua alat ukur elektronik bekerja berdasarkan sampel data, semakin tinggi sampel data, semakin akurat peralatan elektronik tersebut. Osiloskop, pada umumnya juga mempunyai sampel data yang sangat tinggi, oleh karena itu osiloskop merupakan alat ukur elektronik yang mahal. Jika sebuah osiloskop mempunyai sampel rate 10 Ks/s (10 kilo sample/second = 10.000 data per detik), maka alat ini akan melakukan pembacaan sebanyak 10.000 kali dalam sedetik. Jika yang diukur adalah sebuah gelombang dengan frekuensi 2500Hz, maka setiap sampel akan memuat data 1/4 dari sebuah gelombang penuh yang kemudian akan ditampilkan dalam layar dengan grafik skala XY.6. Generator fungsi
Generator fungsi adalah alat ukur yang digunakan sebagai sumber pemicu yang diperlukan, merupakan bagian dari peralatan (software) uji coba elektronik yang digunakan untuk menciptakan gelombang listrik. Gelombang ini bisa berulang-ulang atau satu kali.
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Generator fungsi |
Tipe lain dari generator fungsi adalah sub-sistem yang menyediakan output sebanding terhadap beberapa input. Contohnya, output berbentuk kesebandingan dengan akar kuadrat dari input. Alat seperti itu digunakan dalam sistem pengendali umpan dan komputer analog. -
7. Frekuensimeter
Frekuensi listrik adalah menyatakan berapa kali terjadi perubahan polariteit dari sumber arus bolak-balik. Herzt adalah satuan frekuensi listrik. Istilah Herzt adalah menyatakan besarnya perubahan polarisasi setiap detik. Frekuensi-meter adalah Alat untuk mengukur besarnya frekuensi listrik. Alat ini hanya satu buah untuk satu generator dan dipasang pada papan pembagi utama (Main Switch Board).
8. Wattmeter
Daya adalah menyatakan berapa cepat suatu usaha dilakukan dan dapat berupa
kerja mekanik atau energi listrik atau energi kalor. Watt adalah satuan daya. Istilah Watt adalah menyatakan besarnya energi yg dikeluarkan setiap detik. Besarnya daya listrik (Watt) dapat diperoleh dari hasil kali antara Ampere dan Volt. Alat untuk mengukur besarnya daya listrik ialah Watt-meter, tapi lebih sering digunakan yang lebih besar yaitu kW-meter (kilo Watt meter).
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