Friday, March 31, 2017
Promote Something That Really Works High Retention And Onward Sales
Promote Something That Really Works High Retention And Onward Sales
Private Racing Club The Exclusive Membership Club: Bet like a professional
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Bet like a professional
For the first time you have the chance to join one of the most exclusive and profitable clubs risk free
Yes 100% Risk Free.
Welcome friend
Are you fed up with all the hype and false promises of riches that land in your inbox every day?
I promise you I will never mislead you and will help you as much as I can to make you successful.
When I started betting I had no help.
I lost thousands upon thousands of pounds but that was 6 years ago and I have studied and learned all that I can since then. That was my apprenticeship.
Every tipster I followed started well then hit the inevitable losing run !!
It didn`t matter what I did nothing seemed to work.
I studied and studied and started to create my own ratings. Why ? Form study was taking too long for each race, I needed an easy to read study. This I did by creating a numerical rating for each horse so that they were easy to compare.
That was six years ago and a lot has changed and improved now, using the power of neural networks there are now a set of ratings that are producing excellent results. In fact as of today`s date if you had backed the top rated horse in every race you would have made 262 points profit over the last six months. That`s £26,200at £100 bets. but thats just too many horses to follow !! 4484 in total.
Now I know how confusing pages and pages of ratings can be so .
We now introduce our Guide to Using the Ratings.
This informative guide shows and teaches you how to get the best from the information we provide.
What`s in the guide ?
The first thing is that the guide is not padded out with pages and pages on how to place a bet or how to use Betfair. If you are reading this then I assume that you already know how to place a bet !!.
The first part of the guide explains to you how our different ratings are created and why they all work in a different way. There are reasons why we use so many different ratings and we briefly explain this in the most simple terms.
We also provide a link to a video going through the different ratings sheets.
We start to look at the different ratings in more depth, and run through the types of races where the individual ratings are best used. The different ratings work in different ways depending on the type of race and the course etc. This helps you to make your best picks.
We have pre-built some methods and systems for you to use but there are many many more on the website as well. Our pre-built methods and systems will ensure you a good profit as you learn more and more. All the rules and methods are there so you can make your picks the night before if you are not able to during the day.
Why do these systems work better than the stand alone systems you see advertised every day SIMPLE
They are based on fluid information not fixed and rigid rules and this information is ONLY available to a select few people.
Many of the systems that you buy are frankly worthless, they are not based on logic or any feasible method. If they are any good (and there have been a few) then too many people including the bookies soon learn the rules and the value is quickly eroded and therefore any profit that may be made.
In order to succeed you need information that is not available to the general public.
You might still be a bit confused and need some help ..
That`s why we have a members area with a forum for our members to discuss and share new ideas, over 35,000 individual posts. We are not a fly by night only interested in taking your money. Our forum has been up and running for three years and most of our members have been there from the start. Would they do this if it didn`t work ?
We have members who make a living from betting and share their ideas with everyone.
Our ethos is working together to beat the bookies
This is what one of our new members said yesterday :
Only joined yesterday and would like to say thanks to Ade i got 5 wins from 7 bets today using his ratings .a bit long winded how i got them but all the same , cheers .
So how do I find winners?,
We have many systems on our website you could just follow those
You could follow our own Acca system using just £2.00 bets the bank now stands at £566.00 thats 283 points of profit since January 2012 or £28,300 at £100 bets.
You could follow our simple, safe favourites system 82 points profit so far this year.
There are many more systems on the website with all the rules explained so that you can find all your selections the day before racing
Now for the first time in 5 years this is available to a select few.
So why join?
Our website is full of information that will appeal to novices and experienced punters alike that is not available to the general public.
We cover National Hunt and Flat all year round every day 7 days a week. Everything is based on sound logical racing principles and designed and priced to fit nicely into a betting portfolio or as a stand alone method.
The information is available the night before racing to make it easy for people who cant be at a computer during the day and will help secure the best early prices.
Everything is designed to suit both novice and experienced punters. You can make things as simple or as complex as you like.
Low risk or high returns you can choose to bet in a way that suits you.
The information contained on our website is not available to the general betting public which is what makes it so powerful and profitable
Why is this any different to the usual rubbish that ends up in my inbox each day?
Proven over time and 100% certified by our members
Profit making each and every month.
Accurate and continually updated information
All information available the day before racing
A genuine and experienced community working together.
A website that has been up and running for 3 years
A full comprehensive userguide
We do not :
Promise you a get rich quick scheme
Mislead you with false stats or promises Everything is verified.
Leave you on your own We will help you all the way.
You can make your selections the day before racing You don`t need to be at your pc all day.
All of our results are fully checkable in our forum where they have been posted since Day1.
Don`t just listen to us here is what some of our members have said :
Smashing stuff Ade!! This just made around 20pts !! Thanks again!!
3 winners from 6 bets (Won 15.2, Won 10.3, Won 2.66) Thanks Ade your a genius.
one fantastic day ive had ,i feel i can at last look forward to a brighter and better life ahead of me after over 30 years of trying , many many thanks ade for all you have done for us and producing such brilliant consistent ratings
many thanks for making this year one that has made me feel comfortable in what you are doing and constantly trying to acheive for us and improve on what is already here atm , this service has turned out to be the best one ever for me , and i hope now that it continues in this way ( no it will i know ) , and in the not to distant future i can retire and lead a better life .
Thank Ade for the excellent ratings! Another smashing day! More than quadrupled the starting bank!!
I am so happy and grateful for this excellent run!!!
Thank you Ade for the excellent ratings!!!! ^_^
I am so happy and grateful for another winning day!!
Thanks Ade!
This is what you get when you have registered
You will be sent a pdf download which will contain the our user guide and you will gain access to our members forum for 1 Month. All the rules and selections for the different systems are posted each day so that you can easily access them.
You will also get access to a members area where you can access the selections for 1 month as part of the small initial cost which is £49.00 and then monthly after the first month at £14.99
Strictly 150 Places Available
If we were out to mislead anyone you would see the following
A picture of a flash car
No money back guarantee
No contact address
Crazy claims of overnight riches
Fake betfair account screenshots
A list of winners and only winners
We promise NO BULL just PLAIN FACTS
If you have any questions do not hesitate to ask
I have tried to answer a few of the common questions below
1, If your methods and ratings are so good why would you sell them?
When I started the site the ethos was, and still is, working together to beat the bookies. New members bring fresh ideas that we can all develop together we help each other to win.
2, How many bets are there each day?
As many or as few as you like. You choose from the many system and methods that are available.
3, Can i get my bets on before work?
.The sheets are published the day before racing so you can make your selections and place your bets the night before. Systems where you have to watch the market all day are not for everyone.
4, Are you really only allowing 150 members to Join ?
. I think any more than that and the prices would start to be affected . This protects the systems and methods for all of our members.
5, Will I also get access to the members area?
. For the first month you will be able to access a members area to get the selections from the different systems and methods. I understand that the bets will take a bit of finding and not everybody has time.
6, Can I carry on accessing the members forum after the first month?
. For a small fee you can access the members area daily and get your selections without having to find them.
7, Do you offer a guarantee?
.we believe in our service and therefore will offer a full money back guarantee
8, Why should Join ?
If you seriously want to make some extra cash then information is king. The information we provide will give you the opportunity to make some serious extra money.
9, Will your ratings stop working ?
Our ratings are performing better than ever, in fact since December 2012 when we made some changes to our CNC rating this now stands at 202.34 points or £20,234 at £100 bets !! By applying some filters you can reduce the number of selections and increase your profits. That`s how we help each other.
We have thought long and hard about our pricing . We are convinced of its value and its stands up to many tipsters and systems charging
a month and more but we wouldnt dream of charging that , we want our site to be accessible to everyone especially people who are new to ratings and together we will make a profit.
We are offering the user guide and 1 months access to the members area for
just £49.00
and then further access at just £14.99 a month
Yes thats right
you get everything and 1 months access for an amazing £49.00 after that its up to you whether you want to subscribe longer.
You get access to all of our systems and ratings AND all the help you could want from our members.
Your initial charge will be £49.00 for the user guide which includes 1 months access to the exclusive members area. You will then be charged £14.99 per month indefinitely until you unsubscribe
All EU customers will be charged V.A.T
PRC is sold by clickbank , you do not have to be a member of clickbank to purchase membership, clickbank offer a rock solid money back guarantee and are the biggest sellers of ebooks online
Of course you can simply cancel your subscription at any time.
Our 60 Day 100% Money Back Guarantee
If at any time during the first 60 days you are not satisfied just drop us an email and we will get you a refund
Well friend thats it
If you have any questions just email us at : or click the contact us link on the page.
The initial price is £49.00 for the guide and 1 months access to the members area you will then be billed once a month for £14.99
p.s We have some great people helping us promote this and interest will be high so be sure to click the order now button as soon as you can
p.p.s The risk is on us remember we offer a money back guarantee so buy with confidence
Thanks and good luck
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Private Racing Club The Exclusive Membership Club.
All Rights Reserved.
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